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Around the Inspire Movement

Inspire Missioners work out their role in different contexts, developing Inspire practices and cultivating the core values of the Way of Life. Here are some highlights of what is happening across the Movement at the moment: 

Andy is starting new group healing session in Wilmore, USA. Meeting in the garden to socially distance Andy makes an open invitation to anyone struggling with anxiety, depression, grief, sickness, sin…  Knowing that Jesus can heal people and we have seen Jesus heal such things in the last year.

Tabitha is using her mentored ministry module of her MA to focus on Inspire for children and families. She is developing a Advent resource and preparing a new online course for the Inspire School Discipleship in the Spring. 

Anthony and Kylie continue to extend the Inspire Movement in the USA, and internationally, as they give their full time to working with Inspire. They both want to continue to do this and are raising financial support so that they can keep the momentum going and growing. Currently they are heading up the Inspire School of Discipleship, developing resources, multiplying and mentoring bands, training Missioners, coordinating new Inspire Hubs for regional connecting, and more! There are some significant new opportunities in process for next year with church planting.

Phil and Liz are looking at new ways to do fellowship bands and house fellowship in the UK so that they keep meeting and abide by the government restrictions for the pandemic.

Frank and Brenda, in Texas, USA, are helping their house fellowships and bands transition to continuing without them when they move to a new ministry context in a few months.

Robin, in Ireland, takes every opportunity he gets to preach Inspire and point people the online courses in the new Inspire School of Discipleship

Phil is mentoring a band online with two leaders in Bangkok.

Several Missioners in the UK are looking to raise financial support so that they can work with Inspire. Although the pandemic has brought many challenges in the UK for meeting in person, we have many church leaders asking for our help to establish new rhythms for church through house fellowships and fellowship bands. Our experience of online training and bands is helping people do that as well. There’s an increasing need to have Missioners who can dedicate their time to keeping up with what God is doing in our midst. 

Nearly all of our 52 Missioners around the world are in a fellowship band with other Missioners. These Missioner Bands help them to connect with fellow Missioners, be accountable for their role in the Movement, and equip them for mentoring fellowship bands wherever they are.