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Baptism As Spiritual Warfare

In his book, ‘Remembering Our Baptism,’ Phil Meadows speaks of the fundamental nature of baptism itself and how remembering it daily can be used in spiritual warfare:

“The theology and practice of Martin Luther has been a major influence on the idea of remembering our baptism. Through the course of the Reformation, he often came face-to-face with the demonic powers of fear and death, both in the church and the world. In the midst of great disappointment, he felt tempted to doubt the promises of God and give up his work. At such times, Luther would splash water on himself and shout at his demons,“I am baptised!“ He did not say, “I have been baptised,“ but “I am baptised.“ Baptism is a matter of identity and vocation.

This reminds us of what happened when Jesus was baptised at the outset of his ministry. After the Spirit had descended upon him, many witnesses heard God’s voice declaring Jesus to be his beloved Son. Strengthened by these words of assurance, Jesus resisted the temptation to compromise in the wilderness and the temptation to quit in the garden by remembering who he was. The grand strategy of the powers of evil to undermine the work of God among his people has always been tempting them to forget who and whose they are. And our Spirit-empowered response to this temptation has always been the same, to remember our baptism and thus reaffirm our identity. The life of discipleship flows from knowing that we are children of the living God and remembering that identity was given us in baptism. This is true for individuals and for the whole community of baptised disciples as the family of God.”

Remembering our Baptism: Discipleship and Mission in the Wesleyan Spirit, by Philip Meadows is available from the Inspire Bookstore.

I stand a new creation
Baptised in blood and fire
No fear of condemnation
By faith I'm justified

I rise as You are risen
Declare Your rule and reign
My life confess Your Lordship
And glorify Your Name

Your word it stands eternal 
Your Kingdom knows no end
Your praise goes on forever
And on and on again

No power can stand against You
No curse assault Your throne
No one can steal Your glory
For it is Yours alone.

Beneath the Waters (I will Rise) © Hillsong Music 2012 Words & Music by Brooke Ligertwood and Scott Ligertwood