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Be Still

The rhythms of Inspire House Fellowship include focusing on the spiritual disciplines and spiritual gifts. It is as wonderful opportunity to learn, and practice, disciplines as we exercise spiritual gifts together.

Recently we guided two house fellowships in the practice of ‘Being Still’. We began by asking a number of questions. And even though the questions were the same in each fellowship the answers were quite different. Here are a few examples:

  • Why do we need to be still?
    • We need to sleep to stay healthy.
    • It is hard to concentrate when we are busy.
    • Life is very noisy.
    • I want to focus.
  • How can we be still?
    • We go to bed.
    • Sometimes I can make my mind still even when my body is doing something else.
    • Listen to music.
    • Sit quietly.
    • Go for a walk.
    • Light a candle and watch the light shining.
  • Why is being still a spiritual discipline?
    • It is hard to hear God when our minds are full of other things.
    • I have to practice being still.
    • It is an act of spiritual warfare – “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm…The Lord will fight for you. Just be still.” Exodus 14:13-14
    • We are drawn closer into God’s presence.
    • It is honouring to God: “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be honored among the nations.I will be honoured in the earth.” Psalm 46

And then we practiced! We used a candle in a jar to help us to focus, and passed around holding crosses. Some people found the light a special way to see Jesus. Some said the feel of the wooden cross in their palm made them feel closer to Jesus. Some felt a peace come over their minds.

We met with Jesus sitting in house fellowship with children aged 3 months to 9 years, and their parents, being still before the Lord and hearing Him speak to us in the stillness.

We felt the presence of Jesus as we focusing on Him as we sit still and listened to Him speak through one another.

Be still, and know that I am God!
Psalm 46:10 NLT

Read more about how to be still as you Practice the Presence of Jesus

Samantha and Phil are Missioners planting house fellowships in Wilmore, KY, USA