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  • Forging Fellowship Bands

    On the last Friday of August, Misty and I traveled to Hattiesburg, Mississippi to the University of Southern Mississippi Wesley Foundation (a campus ministry). Eric Davis, who is the Director, invited us back for a second year to train their student leadership in Missional Discipleship and Bands Bands, which they call Forge Groups, are an integral part of their discipleship at Southern Miss Wesley.

    As a follow up to our training, I was honored to join Eric and two of his student leaders this past week on a podcast discussing the “why” behind bands and to hear some of the fruit that is already emerging as students begin meeting together.

    Click HERE to listen to the podcast.


  • Praying Together

    On Wednesday (11 Sept) we met for an Inspire Prayer Gathering. It is such a joy and a privilege to be able to come together to seek the Lord and to pray together. Here are some comments we received:

    “Today’s meeting was especially meaningful for me. After a difficult summer I need a new beginning and revitalization. The structure of the meeting was perfect for helping me put my yearning for Christ into focus. Thank you for that. The music, scripture and special poem were all inspiring and lovely. Praying for each other is such a blessing.”

    “I love our Inspire Prayer Gatherings because they give me an opportunity to reconnect with people around the world I’ve met in the Inspire online courses. It was especially nice today to see both returning people and new people! The Prayer Gatherings are also, for me, a mini digital retreat. I get to step away from the whirlwind of the day or week or month and settle in with Robin’s and Sam’s beautiful and meaningful prayer points for us to ponder. It is always a time of refreshment!”

    If you were not able to join us this week we hope you will put the dates in your diary to come along next time: Weds 27 Nov; Tues 4 March; Monday 6 June.

    We began with worship:

    Listen to My God Is All I Need, By City Alight

    We read the Word:

    Do not remember the former things, 
    or consider the things of old.
    I am about to do a new thing; 
    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
    I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
    I am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake,
    and I will not remember your sins.

    Isaiah 43: 18-19, 25 NIV

    We spent time sharing, discerning and praying together:

    REFLECT on the summer months:

    • Did I take on too much and exhaust myself?
    • Did I fail to plan?
    • What could I have done better?
    • Whose help did I not seek?
    • Who did I forget to visit & encourage?

    RE-ENERGIZE at the start of this new academic/church year:

    • Am I regularly enjoying my quiet time with Jesus?
    • Do I use the examen/Inspire way of life questions to see where I can improve?
    • Am I disciplined in protecting family/rest/fun time?
    • Who will I encourage to pray regularly?
    • How can my fellowship band help me?   

    RE-IGNITE passion for Jesus and his mission

    • Where is God challenging me to try something different?
    • How do I think my fellowship band(s) could grow in the coming months?
    • What learning communities on the School of Discipleship can I introduce to others and which courses do I need to take myself?

    We sent one another out with a blessing:

    May the gift of leadership awaken in you as a vocation,
    Keep you mindful of Christ who calls you to serve.
    As high over the mountains the eagle spreads its wings,
    May your perspective be larger than the view from the foothills.
    When the way is flat and dull in times of grey endurance,
    May your imagination continue to evoke horizon.
    When thirst burns in times of drought,
    May you be blessed to find the wells.
    May you have the wisdom to read time clearly
    And know when the seeds of change will flourish.
    In your heart may there be a sanctuary
    For the stillness where clarity is born.
    May your work be infused with passion and creativity
    And have the wisdom to balance compassion and challenge.
    May your soul find the graciousness
    To rise above the fester of small mediocrities.
    May your power never become a shell
    Wherein your heart would silently atrophy.
    May you welcome your own vulnerability
    As the ground where healing and truth join.
    May integrity of soul be your first ideal,
    The source that will guide and bless your work. 

    John O’Donohue, from To Bless This Space Between Us    

  • Tell The Next Generation…

    Working closely with parents and grandparents, God has shown me the need and longing of families in our community for something more. They ask me questions like: How do we parent God’s way? How do we grow our children in a world which seeks to destroy them? How do we build foundations that won’t crumble?

    I have been slowly developing Inspire resources for many years but I know that now is the time to really press in with this. We need to build up parents, as children of God themselves. We need to journey with families (biological and spiritual) as they train up the next generation of children in the way that they should go. Proverbs 22:6

    My goal in dedicating more time to this ministry is to bring together a team of people for ‘Inspire Generations.’ We want to press on more intentionally in developing resources and training that brings together research in child theology, the wisdom gained through Inspire for Kids, and the practicalities of everyday life. And we want to see parents and families (biological and spiritual) growing children of all ages (0-99!) into disciples living in the fullness of Jesus’ way of life.

    Email me to arrange to chat about what we are doing: [email protected]

    Tabitha has been part of the Inspire Movement all her life! She is married to Micheal who is a primary school teacher. They live in England with their three boys, Malachi, Ezra and Josiah.

    From September 2024 Tabitha is taking up the Lord’s invitation to dedicate a day and a half a week to developing Inspire for children and families. She fundraising support so that she can continue with this vital ministry as well as fulfilling her calling as a stay-at-home mum of three boys. Click HERE to give to support Tabitha (select ‘missioner fund’)

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