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Being a Light in the Darkness

21st December is the longest night of the year. It is also called the Winter Solstice. Many churches on this night hold a service called the “Blue Christmas Service” (nothing to do with Elvis!). It is for those who find this time of year hard. For those struggling with loss, grief, and hardships of many kinds, or where there is underlying sorrow of situations, Christmas celebrations can seem overwhelming and even isolating.

A blue Christmas service provides a space for remembrance, a place of prayer, hope and healing. It can be a special time where sorrow and pain, draw alongside the light of Christmas in Jesus. When we focus on the Christmas narrative and seek God first, then the festivities of the season are secondary to the presence of Jesus in our midst. 

As you pray for your neighbourhood, pray for God to open your eyes to those who need a space to weep and grieve. Open your eyes to those who are struggling, or on their own. Be the light of Jesus – the Christ in Christmas. 

Here are few ideas of how you could be a light in the darkness this Christmas:

  • Go on a Christmas prayer walk in your neighbourhood. Pause under each street light along your road, or at the end of each street and pray for the people who live there.
  • Make a Christmas card, or some Christmas cookies, and deliver them to the people who live in the houses closest to you. If possible knock on the door and say ‘Happy Christmas’ too.
  • Shine a light. Put up some Christmas lights in your front window, garden, or yard where people can see them as they walk/drive past.
  • If you know of someone who is struggling, give them a gift of your time and visit with them. Don’t forget to pray with them.
  • Invite people, other than your family, to join you for Christmas dinner. Be intentional about asking people who might otherwise be alone at Christmas.
  • Make a video of a favourite carol, song or Bible verse and share it on an email or message to brighten someone’s day.

Tell us your ideas and experiences. We would love to hear from you, and to share your ideas and testimonies to encourage others.