The course curriculum for the Inspire School of Discipleship is structured around three main areas: Missional Discipleship, Fellowship Band and House Fellowship (Missional Communities). We offer courses under each main area, and also some Focussed Learning Communities. You can read more about the ethos of all our training here.
The courses listed below will delve into the nature of Missional Discipleship as shaped by the Inspire Way of Life: seeking growth in our love of God and neighbor, using spiritual disciplines as a means of grace, sharing fellowship on the journey of discipleship, and engaging mission by sharing faith with others in word and deed. Courses are reinforced through the practice of Fellowship Band.
Introduction to the Inspire vision for missional discipleship
This 6-week course will introduce you to the Inspire vision for discipleship and mission. This introductory course will provide a big picture overview of Missional Discipleship and the purpose of Fellowship Bands. It also touches on the connection between Fellowship Bands and House Fellowship, as well as their place in the wider life of the church. See course outline below:
Session 1: Orientation and Introduction
Session 2: Mission-Shaped Discipleship
Session 3: Discipleship as a Way of Life
Session 4: The Ethos of Fellowship Band
Session 5: Spirituality for Everyday Missionaries
Session 6: Next Steps
Introduction to Fellowship Band
This 5-week course is an introduction to Inspire Fellowship Bands and how they are a means of pursuing Jesus’ way of life and growing in the Inspire Way Of Life. We will unpack the characteristics and rhythms of a band meeting as well as practical advice on how to start and sustain your journey on the Way of Life through Fellowship Band. You can watch a short introduction to Fellowship Bands HERE. See course outline below:
Session 1: Orientation – Why Fellowship Band?
Session 2: Following the Way of Life
Session 3: Characteristics of a Fellowship band
Session 4: Starting the Fellowship Band Journey
Session 5: Rhythms of Discipleship, Q&A, and What Next?
Discipleship as a Way of Life
This 5-week course delves into Jesus’ way of life, which can be summed up in four core areas: seeking growth, using disciplines, sharing fellowship, and engaging mission. See course outline below:
Session 1: Orientation and Introduction
Session 2: Longing for More of God. Seeking growth, the secret of spiritual hunger, and living from our longings.
Session 3: Staying Connected to Grace. Using spiritual disciplines as means of grace, and practicing the presence of God in daily life.
Session 4: Investing in Spiritual Friendships. Sharing fellowship, the dynamics of group spiritual direction, and mentoring one another as disciples.
Session 5: Following God’s Lead. Engaging Mission, sensing the impulses of the Spirit, and surrendering to his movements
Missional Practices for Fellowship Band, House Fellowship, and Everyday Life
This 5-week course delves into the missional nature of basic Christian practices and disciplines for Fellowship Band, House Fellowship, and everyday life. See course outline below:
Session 1: Orientation and Introduction
Session 2: Listening to God in Prayer and Scripture
Session 3: Fasting, Abstinence and the Power of the Spirit
Session 4: Using Spiritual Gifts in Fellowship and Mission
Session 5: Sharing the Faith as an Everyday Missionary
This 5-week course focuses on the nature of cultivating a disciple-making culture in the leadership and life of the church. The course curriculum focuses on the importance of investing in a few for the sake of the many. It will help you shift from prevalent consumeristic approaches to ministry and equip you to train up whole-life disciples and everyday missionaries. See course outline below:
Session 1: Orientation and Introduction
Session 2: From Feeding the Flock to Making People Hungry. Creating a hunger for more of God.
Session 3: From Doing Ministry to Equipping Disciples. Equipping people for intimacy with God
Session 4: From Attracting Crowds to Investing in a Few. Mentoring a few who seek after God
Session 5: From Mission Strategies to Raising Missionaries. Opening eyes to the Mission of God
Discipling Children in Our Midst
This 5-week course will delve into how to equip, encourage and journey with children in the Way of Life. It explores how the Inspire principles and practices can be used in the family (at home), in missional community (in house fellowship) and in gatherings (in church). The course will be good for parents, carers, children’s workers, church leaders, house fellowship leaders, and anyone who has a heart for being a disciple who is discipling children.
We recommend that people take Introduction to Missional Discipleship and/or Introduction to Fellowship Band before taking this course.
Session 1: Orientation and Introduction to Fellowship Band
Session 2: Discipling children in the family (at home)
Session 3: Discipling children in House Fellowship (Missional Community)
Session 4: Discipling children in gatherings (in churches)
Session 5: Being disciples who make disciples in every day life
Inspire Fellowship Bands are small groups of three or four close friends who meet regularly for spiritual conversation. Band meetings help us become more committed followers of Jesus, who grow in his likeness from the inside out. They encourage us to keep in step with his Spirit, as whole-life disciples and everyday missionaries. The following courses will equip you for the practice of Fellowship Band:
Introduction to the Inspire vision for missional discipleship
This 6-week course is the foundation for Fellowship Bands. It provides a big picture overview of Missional Discipleship and the purpose of Fellowship Bands. Starting with this course helps to give fellowship bands the purpose that helps to sustain them for the long haul. It also touches on the connection between Fellowship Bands and House Fellowship, as well as their place in the wider life of the church. See course outline below:
Session 1: Orientation and Introduction
Session 2: Mission-Shaped Discipleship
Session 3: Discipleship as a Way of Life
Session 4: The Ethos of Fellowship Band
Session 5: Spirituality for Everyday Missionaries
Session 6: Next Steps
Introduction to Fellowship Band
This 5-week course is an introduction to Inspire Fellowship Bands and how they are a means of pursuing Jesus’ way of life and growing as missional disciples. We will unpack the characteristics and rhythms of a band meeting as well as practical advice on how to start and sustain your journey in Fellowship Band. You can watch a short introduction to Fellowship Bands HERE. See course outline below:
Session 1: Orientation – Why Fellowship Band?
Session 2: Following the Way of Life
Session 3: Characteristics of a Fellowship band
Session 4: Starting the Fellowship Band Journey
Session 5: Rhythms of Discipleship, Q&A, and What Next?
Skills of Spiritual Conversation
This 6-week course delves into the essential characteristic, or ethos, of a Fellowship Band and House Fellowship, spiritual conversation. Left to ourselves, we easily become distracted from our call to follow Jesus, or tempted to settle for lesser things, or quit the journey altogether. As we learn to bear one another’s burdens, however, we draw close to Jesus and the power of his Spirit in our midst. The course unpacks the two key ingredients needed for having authentic spiritual conversation in a Fellowship Band & House Fellowship: mutual accountability and spiritual guidance.
Week 1: Orientation and Introduction
Week 2: Skill #1 – Giving an Account
Week 3: Skill #2 – Double Listening
Week 4: Skill #3 – Asking Good Questions
Week 5: Skill #4 – Sharing Spiritual Wisdom
Week 6: Skill #5 – Committing to Follow
DevelopingtheFellowship Band Ministry
In this 5-week course you will learn the ins and outs of how to start, sustain, and multiply the Fellowship Band ministry in your own context. The course will also cover how Fellowship Band strengthens all facets of church life. See course outline below:
Session 1: Orientation and Introduction
Session 2: Gearing Up. Sharing wisdom about the process of forming fellowship bands, and the role of bands in the life of the church.
Session 3: Pressing In. Sharing wisdom about the dynamics of band meeting, mutual accountability and spiritual direction.
Session 4: Reaching Out. Sharing wisdom about the impact of fellowship bands in the church, from growing disciples, to leadership mentoring, and missional outreach.
Session 5: Moving Forward. Sharing wisdom about how fellowship bands gain momentum, and multiply their effectiveness in the church.
Discipling Children in Our Midst
This 5-week course will delve into how to equip, encourage and journey with children in the Way of Life. With Fellowship Bands as the starting point, this course explores how the Inspire principles and practices can be used in the family (at home), in missional community (in house fellowship) and in gatherings (in church). The course will be good for parents, carers, children’s workers, church leaders, house fellowship leaders, and anyone who has a heart for being a disciple who is discipling children.
We recommend that people take Introduction to Missional Discipleship and/or Introduction to Fellowship Band before taking this course.
Session 1: Orientation and Introduction to Fellowship Band
Session 2: Discipling children in the family (at home)
Session 3: Discipling children in House Fellowship (Missional Community)
Session 4: Discipling children in gatherings (in churches)
Session 5: Being disciples who make disciples in every day life
A House Fellowship is a small community of disciples (6-20 people), meeting as an extended family and sharing life together: by eating and praying together, searching the Scriptures and sharing wisdom, and helping each other grow as whole-life disciples. Missional communities encourage one another to live as everyday missionaries: who befriend their neighbors and invite them home to share life among the community, so they can grow in discipleship together. Our course curriculum delves into the nature of starting, developing, and sustaining this ministry.
Introduction to the Inspire vision for missional discipleship
This 6-week course is the foundation for House Fellowships. It provides a big picture overview of Missional Discipleship and the purpose of House Fellowships. Starting with this course helps to give House Fellowships the purpose that helps them to start and grow well. It also touches on the connection between House Fellowships and Fellowship Bands, as well as their place in the wider life of the church. See course outline below:
This course delves into the Biblical principles for Missional Community. Missional Communities encourage one another to live as everyday missionaries: who befriend their neighbors and invite them home to share life among the community, so they can grow in discipleship together. Below is the course outline:
This 5-week course will delve into how to equip, encourage and journey with children in the Way of Life. It explores how the Inspire principles and practices can be used in the family (at home), in missional community (in house fellowship) and in gatherings (in church). The course will be good for parents, carers, children’s workers, church leaders, house fellowship leaders, and anyone who has a heart for being a disciple who is discipling children.
We recommend that people take Introduction to Missional Discipleship and/or Introduction to Fellowship Band before taking this course.
Session 1: Orientation and Introduction to Fellowship Band
Session 2: Discipling children in the family (at home)
Session 3: Discipling children in House Fellowship (Missional Community)
Session 4: Discipling children in gatherings (in churches)
Session 5: Being disciples who make disciples in every day life
House Fellowship Focused Learning Community
This focused learning community brings together a cohort of small groups of people who are preparing to start a house fellowship. The community journeys together with an Inspire Missioner Mentor in online gatherings through the process of learning through doing an experimental house fellowship. The cohort continues after the experimental stage meeting regularly for conversation, wisdom sharing and accountability through the first 6 months of starting an in-person house fellowship in their local contexts. Contact us if you would like to join in a House Fellowship Focused Learning Community
A focused learning community is a group of like-minded people who come together in small for conversation, teaching and learning. These learning communities are organised periodically, and upon request. Some of them require an application. Below are Inspire Focused Learning Communities that we can help you start and/or join in. Contact us to talk to an Inspire Missioner about how to join in any of these focused learning communities.
Listening Prayer
Introduction to Listening Prayer is 6-week course on how to reliably hear God’s voice. The focused learning community is based on biblical examples supported by practical experience. We learn accountability and best practices in rightly and effectively hearing God speak. We cover topics like how God communicates to his people, how we can develop godly practices in hearing God speak, and how we can minister to others with God’s heart and word pouring from our lips.
House Fellowship Focused Learning Community
This focused learning community brings together a cohort of small groups of people who are preparing to start a house fellowship. The community journeys together with an Inspire Missioner Mentor in online gatherings through the process of learning through doing an experimental house fellowship. The cohort continues after the experimental stage meeting regularly for conversation, wisdom sharing and accountability through the first 6 months of starting an in-person house fellowship in their local contexts. Contact us if you would like to join in a House Fellowship Focused Learning Community
Inspire Scholars
Inspire Scholars is a group of like-minded people wanting to further their studies in discipleship, evangelism, and mission spirituality without having to complete another degree program. The group selects their books of study and decide their curriculum together. If you desire intentionality and accountability for your continuing studies and/or extending your personal learning, contact us for more information!
Remembering Our Baptism: Discipleship and Mission in the Wesleyan Spirit
Remembering Our Baptism is a soul-searching book, timely and much needed. It offers a way to take seriously—to actually practice—what people pledge in their Christian baptism, and what the congregation itself promises. Phil Meadows calls the book “an exercise in holding on to the doctrine, spirit, and discipline of the early Methodist movement, through the practice of remembering our baptism.” The language of “remembering baptism” as presented here means much more, of course, than mere remembering as a cognitive function. Not just an act of memory, but a move into commitment and day-by-day discipleship in Christian community. Not just recalling to mind, but rather entering into true Christian vocation. This is the kind of remembering the Bible itself calls for: Remembering our covenant with God so that we actually walk in God’s ways.
Contact us if you’re interested in starting a study group for Remember Our Baptism.
Exploring Discipleship
A practical resource for small group study, accompanied by an optional journal. The Inspire Way of Life is taken from how John Wesley followed Jesus, and the DNA of Discipleship explains why. There are questions to consider and discuss, Scriptures to reflect on and Wesleyan wisdom to learn from. If you don’t want to be personally challenged by how you think about discipleship and how you live your daily life, don’t open this book! You can see a preview of the book HERE.
Contact us if you’re interested in joining or starting a focused learning community for Exploring Discipleship.
OnlineExperimental Band
Our gained wisdom suggests the best way to try out a Fellowship Band is by joining an Online Experimental Band. Experimental Bands are a six-week journey, utilizing our Way Into Series, that will walk you through the ins and outs of Fellowship Band. We believe this is the best way to experience the blessings of Fellowship Band for yourself. Many experimental bands decide to continue on the journey together, while some form new bands our of their experience.
Contact us if you’re interested in forming an experimental band.
Church Planting Cohort
This focused learning community brings together a cohort of people who are church planting, or wanting to church plant, using Inspire principles and practices. The community meets once a month for conversation, wisdom sharing, accountability, prayer and mentoring by Inspire Missioners. Contact us if you would like to join in a Church Planting Focused Learning Community
Below you will find training, retreats and courses we are currently offering. You can read about all of our current courses and those under development in our full curriculum.
In Person Training is led by Inspire Missioners. Wherever possible we open our training to everyone who may like to attend particularly from the local region where the training is being hosted. Contact us if you would like to organise local in person training. Details of confirmed in person training opportunities are posted here:
There are no in person training opportunities open at this time.
Online courses follow our Online Learning Community format. To learn more click here. Please note the course schedule listed below is for online courses only.
The majority of the courses below are offered to accommodate an international cohort across multiple time zones, but we can also offer alternative times that may suit USA and Asia participants better. Contact us to arrange custom training.
Click on the titles below for more information. Some dates for courses have not yet been confirmed. You can still register your interest and we will contact you when more details are available.
If you have any problem registering for a course please contact us.
Expand the course details by clicking on the titles. Then enter the course code in the registration form beneath the list. Thank you.
2024 Online Course Schedule
Missional Discipleship and Fellowship Band (IM03-2024)
Date: 17 Sept – 22 Oct
Day: Tuesdays
Time: 1 p.m. Central / 7 p.m. UK/Ireland
This 6-week online course explores a vision for whole-life discipleship and everyday mission. You will learn how to seek growth in discipleship as a way of life on mission with God, use spiritual disciplines as a means of daily intimacy with Jesus, and share fellowship that helps us keep in step with his Spirit in our ordinary circumstances. This introductory course provides a big picture overview of Missional Discipleship and the purpose of Fellowship Bands and House Fellowships, as well as their place in the wider life of the church. At the weekly zoom meetings there will be conversation and teaching and mentoring in Fellowship Bands.
Session 1 – Orientation and Introduction
Session 2 – Mission-Shaped Discipleship
Session 3 – Discipleship as a Way of Life
Session 4 – The Ethos of Fellowship Band and House Fellowship
Session 5 – Spirituality for Everyday Mission
Session 6 – The Practicalities of Fellowship Band and Sending Out
Select Course Code: IM03-2024
Please note: The registration fee does not apply for this course.
Closing Date for registration on this course is: 10 September 2024
If you are interested in this course but the day/time does not work for you, please get in touch. We may be able to organise a cohort at a different time/day. Contact us at: [email protected]
Skills of Spiritual Conversation (SC02-2024)
Date: 19 Sept – 24 Oct
Day: Thursdays
Time: 1 p.m. Central / 7 p.m. UK&Ireland
This 6-week course explores the role of spiritual conversation in small groups for growth in whole-life discipleship and everyday mission. You will learn how to follow Jesus, and keep in step with his Spirit, through the skills of accountability, double listening, asking good questions, sharing wisdom and resolving to follow through in our daily lives.
Session 1 – Orientation and Introduction
Session 2 – Giving an Account
Session 3 – Double Listening
Session 4 – Asking Good Questions
Session 5 – Sharing Spiritual Wisdom
Session 6 – Committing to Follow
Please note:
We recommend that you take the Intro to Fellowship Band and/or the Intro to Missional Discipleship BEFORE you take this course, as they provide a helpful foundation for you to get maximum benefit from this course.
Select Course Code:SC02-2024
If you are interested in this course but the day/time does not work for you, please get in touch. We may be able to organise a cohort at a different time/day. Contact us at: [email protected]
Closing Date for registration on this course is: 12 September 2024
Pressing in to Fellowship Band (FB02-2024)
Date: 29 Oct – 10 Dec
Day: Tuesdays
Time: 1 p.m. Central / 7 p.m. UK/Ireland
This 6-week course is an introduction to the principles and practices of Inspire Fellowship Bands and how they are a means of pursuing Jesus’ way of life and growing as missional disciples. We will unpack the characteristics and rhythms of a band meeting as well as practical advice on how to start, sustain and share your journey in Fellowship Band. You can watch a short introduction to Fellowship Bands HERE
Session 1 – Orientation: Why Fellowship Band?
Session 2 – Following the Way of Life
Session 3 – Characteristics of a Fellowship Band
Session 4 – Starting the Fellowship Band Journey
Session 5 – Rhythms of Discipleship
Please note:
We recommend that you take the Intro to Missional Discipleship BEFORE, or at the same time as, you take this course, as this provides a helpful foundation for you to get maximum benefit from this course.
There is no weekly Zoom on 28 November because of American Thanksgiving
There may be an adjustment to the start time for some participants on 29 October because of the changes in the clock.
Select Course Code: FB02-2024
Closing Date for registration on this course is: 22 October 2024
If you are interested in this course but the day/time does not work for you, please get in touch. We may be able to organise a cohort at a different time/day. Contact us at: [email protected]
Discipline of Fasting - Focused Study Group (FA02-2024)
Date: 12 Nov – 17 Dec
Day: Tuesdays
Time: 1 p.m. Central / 7 p.m. UK/Ireland
This 5-week focused learning community meets as a small group of up to 12 people. It uses the book, Practical Guide to the Discipline of Fasting. Each week we will focus on Jesus, read a short extract from the book, reflect on the reading, practice the discipline of fasting and meet for conversation and encouragement. You can see a sample of the book and order a copy on the Inspire Book Store.
This focused learning community is running as Advent study and again as a Lenten study but may be available at other times if you would like to participate yourself or join in with a small group. Contact us for more information: [email protected]
Select Course Code: FA02-2024
Please note: The registration fee does not apply for this course
Closing Date for registration on this course is: 5 November 2024
Introduction to House Fellowship (HF02-2024)
Date: 31 Oct – 12 Dec
Day: Thursdays
Time: 1 p.m. Central / 7 p.m. UK&Ireland
This 6-week course is an introduction to Inspire House Fellowships. It explores how to envision, start, develop and multiply house fellowships, and their importance as part of an ecology of fellowships with Fellowship Band and Learning Communities. As well using a number of resources, this learning community provides practical wisdom and experience for House Fellowships. This course uses the book House Fellowship: A Quick Guide. Click here to see a preview and/or order.
Please note:
We recommend that you take the Intro to Band and/or the Intro to Missional Discipleship BEFORE you take this course, as they provide a helpful foundation for you to get maximum benefit from this course.
There is no weekly Zoom on 28 November because of American Thanksgiving
Select Course Code:HF02-2024
Closing Date for registration on this course is: 24 October 2024
If you are interested in this course but the day/time does not work for you, please get in touch. We may be able to organise a cohort at a different time/day. Contact us at: [email protected]
The DNA of Discipleship
Date: Contact us
Day: To be arranged
Time: To be arranged
This 5-week focused learning community meets as a small group of up to 6 people. It uses the book, The DNA of Discipleship: the way of Jesus, Wesleyan spirituality and making disciples, to explore the life of Jesus and how he draws us into a life of intimacy and imitation. You can see a sample of the book on the Inspire Book Store.
Four thematic focused study groups running for 5 weeks each:
Following Jesus
Wesleyan Spirituality
Discipleship Movement
Making Disciples
We plan these focused learning communities on a regular basis but we arrange dates and times with each cohort. Please register your interest using the form below and we will contact you. Once dates are set for a focused learning community we also update this page so you can register for a planned cohort.
Select Course Code: DNA-2024
Biblical Principles of Missional Community (MC01-2025)
Date: Apr-May 2025 OR Contact us to arrange a cohort
Day: Tuesdays
Time: TBC
This course delves into the Biblical principles for Missional Community. Missional Communities encourage one another to live as everyday missionaries: who befriend their neighbors and invite them home to share life among the community, so they can grow in discipleship together. Below is the course outline:
Session 1: Introduction
Session 2:The Mission of God
Session 3:Our Great Commission
Session 4:Everyday Missionaries
Session 5:Home as Mission Base
Session 6:Rhythms of Missional Community
Session 7: Q&A, Wrapping Up and What Next?
Select Course Code: MC01-2025
Please note: We recommend that you take the Intro to Missional Discipleship and/or the Intro to Fellowship Band before, alongside, or soon after, you take this course, as they provide a helpful foundation for you to get maximum benefit from this course.
Closing Date for registration on this course is: 1 April 2025
If you are interested in this course but the day/time does not work for you, please get in touch. We may be able to organise a cohort at a different time/day. Contact us at: [email protected]
Discipleship as a Way of Life
Date: Contact us to arrange a cohort
This 5-week course delves into Jesus’ way of life, which can be summed up in four core areas: seeking growth, using disciplines, sharing fellowship, and engaging mission. See course outline below:
Session 1: Orientation and Introduction
Session 2: Longing for More of God. Seeking growth, the secret of spiritual hunger, and living from our longings.
Session 3: Staying Connected to Grace. Using spiritual disciplines as means of grace, and practicing the presence of God in daily life.
Session 4: Investing in Spiritual Friendships. Sharing fellowship, the dynamics of group spiritual direction, and mentoring one another as disciples.
Session 5: Following God’s Lead. Engaging Mission, sensing the impulses of the Spirit, and surrendering to his movements
Please note:
We recommend that you take the Intro to Band and/or the Intro to Missional Discipleship BEFORE you take this course, as they provide a helpful foundation for you to get maximum benefit from this course.
Select Course Code:WL01-2024
If you are interested in participating in this online learning community, please register for WL01-2024 and we will be in touch with more details. Thank you.
After you submit the form below you will receive an email within 48 hours to confirm receipt and give details of how to complete your registration. There is a registration fee of £10/€12/$15 for some online courses. This fee covers the administration that is necessary to enrol you and give you access to all the resources for the course. Assistance is available in the case of financial hardship. There will be an opportunity to make a donation during the course to help us continue offering online learning communities with no tuition fees.
For over a fifteen years the Inspire Movement has been committed to developing Missional Discipleship in the leadership and life of the church. Our vision is to help all Christians live as whole-life disciples and everyday missionaries, who abide deeply with God and live missionally in the world. At the heart of this movement is discipleship as a Way of Life, in particular pursuing Jesus’ way of life!
We believe this vision of discipleship cannot be pursued alone. For this reason, the Inspire School of Discipleship will not only help you catch the vision for Missional Discipleship, but give you practical tools for how to pursue this life with others through the means of Fellowship Band and House Fellowship. The School is primarily concerned with developing online training for a network of participants that extends around the world. In-person training is also offered by our regional Missioners.
The menu above has links to our course curriculum, upcoming courses, and other school news. Take time to look over the site and let us know if you have any questions!
The short answer, anyone! But especially those who are hungry for more of God and desire growing as whole-life disciples and everyday missionaries. More specifically the school is for church leaders, planters, and members desiring to cultivate a disciple-making culture within the life of the church and to start authentic Christian communities.
What is the purpose of the Inspire School of Discipleship?
The primary purpose of the Inspire School of Discipleship is to train and equip people around the vision of Inspire, which we call Missional Discipleship. We do this by helping people pursue Jesus’ way of life through means of Fellowship Band, House Fellowship, and Learning Communities. We believe as people pursue Jesus’ way of life they will grow as whole-life disciples and everyday missionaries, abiding more deeply in Jesus and living in step with his Spirit in the day-to-day.
How will I benefit from taking courses?
We believe our course curriculum will help you grow as whole-life disciples and everyday missionaries. This means you will learn how to grow in your relationship with Jesus but also how to become more missional in your day-to-day. We also believe our course curriculum will challenge how you view your discipleship to Jesus, as well as give you the practical tools to move forward in your discipleship.
How will the School help my church?
The courses in the School will help your church gain a vision for Missional Discipleship and how to pursue it. It will help your church cultivate an inside-out disciple-making movement that doesn’t rely on church activities to grow the church. Instead, the school will equip your church staff, leaders, and members to take responsibility for their discipleship to Jesus, not having to rely on the church to grow spiritually. For this reason, we believe God will use the school to spark both personal and corporate renewal in your church.
How are the online courses delivered?
Our online courses are adapted from the principle of Learning Communities. You can learn more HERE.
How much do courses cost?
We try not to charge for our courses, but there are costs associated with in-person and online courses. We charge a minimal registration fee for online courses to help cover some of the admin costs to get participants set up on the courses. We also ask all participants to make a donation to Inspire, and/or become a regular giver. This makes it possible for us to continue offering training. For each course we will list its operational cost & a recommended giving amount. To give to Inspire click HERE.
Why are many of the online courses timed to be in the middle of the day in the USA and the middle of the night in Asia?
The benefit of taking online courses through our School is that we have a growing network of people from around the world. We have learned from previous online Learning Communities (courses) that participants highly value this opportunity. Following our courses we’ve even had participants from around the world end up starting their own online Fellowship Band with others from the Learning Community itself.
For this reason, we try to maintain an international connection in our courses. This does present a challenge in navigating time-zones and can particularly be a problem for those in the USA who work during the day, or those in Asia who will be in bed!
Some of the courses offer an evening (USA), early morning +1 (Asia), cohort. We hope this gives access to more people.
If the times of our courses are impossible for you, we may be able to facilitate other options for training. If that applies to you please contact us directly.
Do I have to engage all the sessions / video conferences?
We expect participants to engage all of the sessions, contribute to the discussions and participate in the weekly video conference. Our Learning Communities are as much, if not more, about the fellowship of the community than the curriculum itself.
Can I bring a group to a Learning Community?
Attending a Learning Community with your small group, leadership team, and/or spouse, or friends, can be a good way to help cultivate a culture of Missional Discipleship in your context.
Can we arrange a bespoke course for our group / church / organization?
Yes, we can do this. Please contact us directly to discuss options.
Can I attend an online course and an in-person Learning Community?
Yes! Many people have found the online courses a helpful taster before going on to organize an in-person Learning Community or Teaching Retreat.
Do I get academic credit for taking courses?
Although we call it a “School”, we do not award academic credit. However, we can work with other organizations (churches, denominational agencies, mission networks etc) to have our courses approved for credit. For instance, many denominations require church leaders to some kind of continuing education / professional developments, and our courses are ideally suited to that. However, the primary rewards are a deeper relationship with God; participation in a community of people desiring a closer walk with Jesus; and an encounter with the transforming presence of the Spirit.
Do I have to take exams?
Rest assured, there are NO exams! Each course has various teaching elements (videos, articles, resources, etc) that will be provided throughout the course. We recommended engaging in these resources, however, it’s not required to interact with everything provided. We simply ask that you invest time in the course you are taking at your own pace. For some, this will mean delving into everything provided for each session. For others, this will mean engaging with just one resource each session.
Inspire Missioners deliver in person training by invitation from local churches, small groups, networks, denominations, and individuals. Wherever possible we open our training to everyone who may like to attend, particularly from the local region where the training is being hosted.
Details of confirmed in person training opportunities are posted on the Course Schedule here.
If you would like to organise in person training for your small group, your church, your local area, your denomination, please contact us: [email protected]
“The international, cross-denominational aspect of the Inspire training is wonderful. And the Lord loves it!”
“The Fellowship Band course opened up a new world for me as a way to draw closer to God. I knew my spiritual life was not what it should be and I was looking for a way to grow it. The leaders of this course have done a good job of explaining how to grow closer to God through fellowship bands. Small groups such as this was a new concept that resonated with me and now I am in the process of starting a fellowship band!”
“I live in the USA in Pacific Time. I love the Inspire classes that are designed to connect people around the world! Due to my connection with our Inspire international community through the School of Discipleship, and comments I had made about our unfolding ministry to the homeless, I was introduced to a couple in England. They have 20+ years experience in a ministry to the homeless. I zoomed in with them, for a good hour. Not only did we have fruitful conversation around a shared ministry passion, but we now have ministry partners and new friends praying for us across the ocean!”
“Another programme is not the answer. The Way of Life is! Thank you Inspire Movement”
“We have been Christians for a long time but never found anywhere like the Inspire Movement, so filled with such enthusiastic people.”
“I have been waiting on the shoreline for a long time and now I want to be more involved with Inspire.”
“We say Jesus is here but how do we make a point of it and make Jesus real. We need small groups of people to help us to do that. Inspire makes Jesus real.”
“Our friends really changed since they got involved with Inspire and we want their same enthusiasm for Jesus, so here we are!”
“Discipleship as a Way of Life cannot be just for church on a Sunday, it needs to be 24/7.”
Intro to Missional Discipleship and Fellowship Band (IM03-2024): Online Course REGISTRATION CLOSES
Intro to Missional Discipleship and Fellowship Band (IM03-2024): Online Course REGISTRATION CLOSES
6-week online course exploring a vision for whole-life discipleship and everyday mission. This introductory course provides a big picture overview of Missional Discipleship and the purpose of Fellowship Bands. It also touches on the connection between Fellowship Bands and House Fellowship, as well as their place in the wider life of the church. It provides a taster of fellowship band and develops some of the practices.
-Teaching videos and resources to review each week in your own time
-Online discussion board for discussion/learning though the duration of the learning community
-Weekly meeting on Zoom for 90 mins for teaching, conversation and small group discussion.
-Mentoring in online band/small group by an Inspire Missioner
Anyone who wants a closer walk with Jesus.
-Week 1: Orientation and Introduction
-Week 2: Mission-Shaped Discipleship
-Week 3: Discipleship as a Way of Life
-Week 4: The Ethos of House Fellowship and Fellowship Band
-Week 5: Spirituality for Everyday Missionaries
-Week 6: Practices of Fellowship Band, Resolving and Sending Out
The weekly Zoom meetings for this course are on:
The first session is on:
The last session is on:
-For more information and to register for courses go to the website:
-Contact us at: [email protected]
Skills of Spiritual Conversation (SC02-2024): Online course REGISTRATION CLOSES
Skills of Spiritual Conversation (SC02-2024): Online course REGISTRATION CLOSES
This 6-week course delves into the essential characteristic of Fellowship Band, House Fellowship, and whole-life discipleship - spiritual conversation.
We recommend that you have taken the Intro to Missional Discipleship and Fellowship Bands before or at the same time as you take this course as it provides the essential foundation for you to get maximum benefit from this course
-Teaching videos and resources to review each week in your own time
-Online discussion board for discussion/learning though the duration of the learning community
-Weekly meeting on Zoom for 90 mins for teaching, conversation and small group discussion.
-Mentoring in online band/small group by an Inspire Missioner
For this course you will need a copy of 'The Skills of Spiritual Conversation' available from the Inspire Bookstore:
-Week 1: Orientation and Introduction
-Week 2: Skill #1 Giving and Account
-Week 3: Skill #2 Double Listening
-Week 4: Skill #3 Asking Good Questions
-Week 5: Skill #4 Sharing Spiritual Wisdom
-Week 6: Skill #5 Committing to Follow
The weekly Zoom meetings for this course are on:
The first session is on: Thurs 19 Sept 2024
The last session is on: Thurs 24 Oct 2024
-For more information and to register for courses go to the website:
-Contact us at: [email protected]
Intro to Missional Discipleship and Fellowship Band (IM03-2024): Online Course
Intro to Missional Discipleship and Fellowship Band (IM03-2024): Online Course
6-week online course exploring a vision for whole-life discipleship and everyday mission. This introductory course provides a big picture overview of Missional Discipleship and the purpose of Fellowship Bands. It also touches on the connection between Fellowship Bands and House Fellowship, as well as their place in the wider life of the church. It provides a taster of fellowship band and develops some of the practices.
This online learning community is in progress. If you are interested in joining in next time please check the website for more details or contact us.
-Week 1: Orientation Session
-Week 2: Mission-Shaped Discipleship
-Week 3: Discipleship as a Way of Life
-Week 4: The Ethos of House Fellowship and Fellowship Band
-Week 5: Spirituality for Everyday Missionaries
-Week 6: Practices of Fellowship Band, Resolving and Sending Out
-For more information and to register for courses go to the website:
-Contact us at: [email protected]
Inspire Disciple-Making and Missional Community Cohort
Provides peer mentoring and support for people engaging in disciple-making and missional communities using Inspire principles and the ecology of Inspire fellowships.
Meets once a month for mutual accountability and formation through focussed conversation and wisdom sharing.
To find out more, or to join in, contact us at: [email protected]
Skills of Spiritual Conversation (SC02-2024): Online course
Skills of Spiritual Conversation (SC02-2024): Online course
This 6-week course delves into the essential characteristic of Fellowship Band, House Fellowship, and whole-life discipleship - spiritual conversation.
We recommend that you have taken the Intro to Missional Discipleship and Fellowship Bands before or at the same time as you take this course as it provides the essential foundation for you to get maximum benefit from this course.
This online learning community is in progress. If you are interested in joining in next time please check the website for more details or contact us.
For this course you will need a copy of 'The Skills of Spiritual Conversation' available from the Inspire Bookstore:
-Week 1: Orientation and Introduction
-Week 2: Skill #1 Giving and Account
-Week 3: Skill #2 Double Listening
-Week 4: Skill #3 Asking Good Questions
-Week 5: Skill #4 Sharing Spiritual Wisdom
-Week 6: Skill #5 Committing to Follow
-For more information and to register for courses go to the website:
-Contact us at: [email protected]
Intro to Missional Discipleship and Fellowship Band (IM03-2024): Online Course
Intro to Missional Discipleship and Fellowship Band (IM03-2024): Online Course
6-week online course exploring a vision for whole-life discipleship and everyday mission. This introductory course provides a big picture overview of Missional Discipleship and the purpose of Fellowship Bands. It also touches on the connection between Fellowship Bands and House Fellowship, as well as their place in the wider life of the church. It provides a taster of fellowship band and develops some of the practices.
This online learning community is in progress. If you are interested in joining in next time please check the website for more details or contact us.
-Week 1: Orientation Session
-Week 2: Mission-Shaped Discipleship
-Week 3: Discipleship as a Way of Life
-Week 4: The Ethos of House Fellowship and Fellowship Band
-Week 5: Spirituality for Everyday Missionaries
-Week 6: Practices of Fellowship Band, Resolving and Sending Out
-For more information and to register for courses go to the website:
-Contact us at: [email protected]
Skills of Spiritual Conversation (SC02-2024): Online course
Skills of Spiritual Conversation (SC02-2024): Online course
This 6-week course delves into the essential characteristic of Fellowship Band, House Fellowship, and whole-life discipleship - spiritual conversation.
We recommend that you have taken the Intro to Missional Discipleship and Fellowship Bands before or at the same time as you take this course as it provides the essential foundation for you to get maximum benefit from this course.
This online learning community is in progress. If you are interested in joining in next time please check the website for more details or contact us.
For this course you will need a copy of 'The Skills of Spiritual Conversation' available from the Inspire Bookstore:
-Week 1: Orientation and Introduction
-Week 2: Skill #1 Giving and Account
-Week 3: Skill #2 Double Listening
-Week 4: Skill #3 Asking Good Questions
-Week 5: Skill #4 Sharing Spiritual Wisdom
-Week 6: Skill #5 Committing to Follow
-For more information and to register for courses go to the website:
-Contact us at: [email protected]
On the last Friday of each month we commit to fast and pray for the Inspire Movement. We invite you to join us, in whatever way you are able. If you feel the Lord gives you any insights that you would like to share with us, do contact us: [email protected]
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The Inspire Movement offers several methods of training: Learning Communities; Teaching Retreats; Focussed Study Groups; Mentoring Cohorts; and Personal Mentoring. The School of Discipleship is primarily concerned with online training, but we also offer in-person training through our regional Core Teams, as well as on demand training for local churches.
If you’re interested in on demand training please contact us and we can discuss it further with you.
The great benefit of learning communities is the opportunity to actually build community as we share wisdom and learn together. These communities also have the potential for developing fellowship that continues beyond the formal period of training.
A group of 12-20 people, lay or ordained, who gather to support one another by:
Building one another up in personal discipleship as spiritual leaders and disciple-makers.
Sharing wisdom about the challenges of discipleship and/or leadership in our churches.
Learning communties are normally arranged on demand, by churches and organizations. The style and content of the training will depend on the nature of the group, and the focus of study. Click here for an Overview of our Training.
What happens when they gather?
What happens when they gather?
Each community usually gathers for five sessions and has the following simple ingredients:
Eating, worshipping and praying together as essential community practices.
Online Learning Communities take the principles of in-person Learning Communities and adapt them to meet online. This is our approach for the School of Discipleship. Online Learning Communities allow you to…
grow as a community with committed people around the world for a four to six week period.
take each week’s content (teaching videos, podcasts, resources) at your own pace. This allows you to wrestle through the material, think of questions, post on the online forum, before meeting with others online.
have deeper conversations (see above) during Zoom meetings.
utilize our discussion board for sharing reflections, discussion and learning through the duration of the learning community.
to receive mentoring in online band by an Inspire Missioner.
To take time for group discussion and guided personal reflection.
To practice Fellowship Band for discerning how God is leading you practically.
To receive prayer and encouragement for taking the next steps.
Teaching retreats may be for one day or over a weekend and are normally arranged on demand, by churches and organizations. Click here for an Overview of our Training.
A study group is a group of like-minded people who come together for conversation, teaching and learning. The group selects their area of study and decides their curriculum together. Click here for a sample of our study groups.
We encourage people to build a relationship with one of our Missioners, who are there to guide people through the processes and resources of the Movement. Click here for more information about our Missioner Support.
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