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  • Inspire in Garstang

    Inspire in Garstang

    Has God ever caught you out? I don’t mean convicting you of sin, although I know he does that and it can feel a bit exposing. I mean you go into a situation thinking you know what God wants you to do and you maybe even have an idea of the outcome of it but…

  • Only God Could Do That!

    Only God Could Do That!

    Am I Aware of God’s Presence in Daily Life? I have always loved it when you can see the sun shining through the clouds in beams. I have often commented that it looks like heaven breaking through to earth! On the 19th March a team of GB Missioners went to deliver a training retreat in…

  • Face to Face

    Face to Face

    In March the GB Team was on the road again. With one in-person training retreat in the South of England behind them, they followed God’s lead in doing some regional training in the North of England. God gathered together a select few people in the beautiful surroundings of Elm Ridge Methodist Church in Darlington. Having…

  • Inspire In Person Training

    Inspire In Person Training

    In February the GB Core Team ventured south, through Storm Eunice (Click here to read more about the adventure of the journey), to deliver the first in-person training retreat in England for over 2 years! It was a significant moment for the Team and a significant moment for the inviting Church. Over the weekend, Matt…

  • In Person Retreats 2022

    In Person Retreats 2022

    We are excited to be preparing for the first in person training retreats in the UK for more than two years! If you are in the neighbourhood of any of these we do hope you will register and come join us. And if you are not local enough to attend in person, please join us…

Contact from anywhere in GB is made through one of our Regional Missioner Teams or the Inspire Worldwide Team.

Click Here to Contact a GB Regional Team
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The Inspire Movement is a self-sustaining not-for-profit organization. As a Movement, we live by faith. We rely entirely on the donations of our supporters and participants, and trust them to respond to the prompting of the Lord to give as generously as they are able. This also enables us to make Inspire accessible to everyone, no matter what their financial situation.

We aim to be good stewards and use all of our income to fulfil the vision and activities of Inspire on the frontline. For us, this means supporting our Missioners and developing resources. We keep our administrative costs to an absolute minimum. Some Missioners fundraise support so they can give more of their time to Inspire ministry. Check the Team page for more information.

Regular giving to Inspire helps us to budget, but we appreciate that that is not possible for everyone. We are grateful for any donation, at any time, of any amount. Every gift, no matter how large or small makes a big difference to Inspire.


Inspire Movement CIO is a registered charity in the UK and eligible to receive financial gifts through Gift Aid which means we can claim 25p for every £1 given by a UK tax payer. Click here to download a Gift Aid declaration form.

  • by bank transfer or regular auto pay. Contact us for our bank details
  • By debit or credit card – as a one-at-a-time gift in £ (GBP): via our UK PayPal Giving account: Â£ PayPal
  • By debit or credit card – as a monthly/regular gift in £ (GBP): via our UK PayPal account: Â£ PayPal
  • By cheque in £ (GBP): payable to ‘Inspire Movement’, sent to Inspire Movement, 10 Woodland Walk, Chesterfield, S40 4YB, UK

Under Construction

This regional micro-site is under construction and will be fully operational soon. You can use the tabs at the top of the page to begin to explore, but do keep checking back for updates.

Missioner Teams

Regional Missioner Teams are small groups of Inspire Missioners that come together for mutual support to advance the Movement in their own local contexts and across a localized geographic region. The aim is to have multiple teams across a nation that are multiplying organically. They work under the general oversight of the International Steering Group and are resourced by the Inspire Worldwide Team.

The main responsibilities of a Missioner Team are:

  • Advocating for the Inspire vision for Missional Discipleship and ecology of disciple-making.
  • Developing the start up and reproduction of Fellowship Bands and House Fellowships.
  • Training in the Inspire ecology through teaching retreats and Learning Communities.

Movement Blog | GB Blog | Ireland Blog | USA Blog

  • Costly Good News

    Costly Good News

    Are you sharing the Good News?  Chester is a small city in the Northwest of the United Kingdom, an hour from Manchester and on the boarder of North Wales. The city is enclosed in Roman walls and even boasts its own coliseum! If you walk round the city on the walls at the moment you…

  • Mothering Sunday

    Mothering Sunday

    Happy Mother’s Day! Don’t panic if you are in the USA or other countries, you haven’t missed something; your Mother’s Day is in May. Today is Mother’s Day in the UK. We have a special prayer to share with you, wherever you are.  Whilst lots of people will enjoy the secular celebration of mothers and motherhood…

  • Bill’s Blessing

    Bill’s Blessing

    An old man came to say hello to me when we were visiting our daughter Tabitha’s church on Sunday. He introduced himself as Bill and then, as happens very often, the conversation started with, ‘You must be Tabitha’s mum because you look so alike.’ He went on to tell me how wonderful she is (also usual when people…

  • Inspire in Garstang

    Inspire in Garstang

    Has God ever caught you out? I don’t mean convicting you of sin, although I know he does that and it can feel a bit exposing. I mean you go into a situation thinking you know what God wants you to do and you maybe even have an idea of the outcome of it but…

  • Cliff Year House Fellowship

    Having taken part in the first House Fellowship Cohort in Autumn 2021/Spring 2022 Matt and I were enthused to begin facilitating our own house fellowship. As the cohort was progressing we thought about a few combinations of people we could invite to take part in an experimental house fellowship with us. Each time we prepared…

  • Are You Aware Of Being Sent Into Daily Life By Jesus?

    A common mistake believers can make is waiting to be sent ‘on mission’. As a teenager I knew we were called to be Christians all the time but to actually go on mission was different, or so I thought.  I spent many an afternoon ‘on mission’ in Leeds as we did community clean up days…