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The Inspire Movement is a self-sustaining not-for-profit organization. As a Movement, we live by faith. We rely entirely on the donations of our supporters and participants, and trust them to respond to the prompting of the Lord to give as generously as they are able. This also enables us to make Inspire accessible to everyone, no matter what their financial situation.

We aim to be good stewards and use all of our income to fulfil the vision and activities of Inspire on the frontline. For us, this means supporting our Missioners and developing resources. We keep our administrative costs to an absolute minimum. Some Missioners fundraise support so they can give more of their time to Inspire ministry. Check the Team page for more information.

Regular giving to Inspire helps us to budget, but we appreciate that that is not possible for everyone. We are grateful for any donation, at any time, of any amount. Every gift, no matter how large or small makes a big difference to Inspire.


The Inspire Movement is registered as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organisation in the USA and therefore eligible to receive contributions that are tax deductible for federal income tax purposes for some donors. 

  • By bank transfer or regular bill pay. Contact us for our bank details.
  • By debit or credit card – as a one-at-a-time gift – in $ (USD): via our USA PayPal Giving account: $ PayPal
  • By debit or credit card – as a monthly/regular gift – in $ (USD): via our USA PayPal regular account: $ PayPal
  • By check – in $ (USD): payable to ”Inspire Movement Inc’, to Inspire Movement, 100 Seamands Drive, Wilmore, KY 40390
  • By Text, E-check, Credit/Debit, Assets, Stuff, etc – use our USA Giving Page HERE (in partnership with Perception Funding)

All of our Missioners generously give their time and expertise and we seek to be faithful in generously assisting them in whatever ways we are able. A few Missioners in the USA are fundraising support for their living costs to enable them to work with us part or full-time.

Brian and Misty have been a part of the Inspire Movement for many years. In July 2022 they embarked on a new adventure with Inspire in the USA. They write:

“The Inspire Movement is reaching many people who are searching for a way to deepen their relationship with God and show the love of Christ to those in their own communities. And while they embrace the vision, many people struggle with how to implement the practices Inspire teaches. Our family is now being called to help fill this gap. We are taking Inspire on the Road around the USA, and beyond, travelling to churches and organizations teaching about Inspire and mentoring bands and fellowships.”

Brian and Misty are fundraising support in order to give their full-time to this ministry. To join in and give to support them CLICK HERE for the Yeich’s fundraising page

The Watts Family

Anthony and Kylie lived by faith and worked with Inspire alongside Phil and Sam Meadows in Wilmore for 3 years. In September 2021 they started a new church plant in St Louis, using the Inspire principles and practices.

The Watts Family no longer work directly under the Inspire Movement but we are very happy to recommend them as they fundraise their own support in order to be able give their full-time to the ministry of church planting. To join in and give to support them CLICK HERE for the Watts’ fundraising page

Contact from anywhere in USA is made through one of our Regional Missioner Teams or the Inspire Worldwide Team.

Click Here to Contact USA Team
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Movement Blog | GB Blog | Ireland Blog | USA Blog

  • Close To You

    Close To You

    I wrote a song with my friend, John, during the outpouring at Asbury University earlier in 2023. It is about our longing for communion with God, ultimately for the marriage supper of the Lamb. It is from the perspective of the church, from God, and the chorus is the church again, expressing both desire and exhortation.…

  • A Calling To Discipleship

    A Calling To Discipleship

    I am a student at Asbury Theological Seminary and a Missioner in the Inspire Movement. I’m currently based in Wilmore, KY but I consider Waco, TX my hometown. I’m a first-generation immigrant from Romania, having moved to the US with my family when I was 6. I came to truly believe in God and trust…

  • Answered Prayers

    Answered Prayers

    We have had a huge answer to prayer this month (August 2023) – we are under contract on a home!! It is hard to believe, but we have been looking for a house for 2 1/2 years.  And more than just the house, waiting for “the” place and community that God wants us to plant…

  • Beyond Expectation

    Beyond Expectation

    In August, our church gathered together for worship one Sunday morning in our Fellowship Hall.  A key part of the time was the shared meal with table conversation and prayer.  We weren’t really sure what to expect. Would taking the concepts from our regular mid-week (Inspire) House Fellowship and tweaking them to fit our context…

  • It Is Hot Outside!

    It Is Hot Outside!

    In case you hadn’t noticed…it’s hot outside. Y’all! I don’ If someone could turn on the a/c outside, I would greatly appreciate it! In our newsletter back in July 2022, I reflected on Isaiah 58:11 and I was reminded of this verse in a conversation just a week ago as someone prayed over me these…

  • Travelling With Jesus

    Travelling With Jesus

    Life isn’t slowing down and we count it as a blessing! We would love for you to join us in praying for all our upcoming travel, both for personal and ministry events. In July, we attended the Global Methodist Conference in College Station, TX. Then slowly made our way back up to Kentucky to pick…

Under Construction

This regional micro-site is under construction and will be fully operational soon. This regional micro-site is under construction and will be fully operational soon. You can use the tabs at the top of the page to begin to explore, but do keep checking back for updates.

Missioner Teams

Regional Missioner Teams are small groups of Inspire Missioners that come together for mutual support to advance the Movement in their own local contexts and across a localized geographic region. The aim is to have multiple teams across a nation that are multiplying organically. They work under the general oversight of the International Steering Group and are resourced by the Inspire Worldwide Team.

The main responsibilities of a Missioner Team are:

  • Advocating for the Inspire vision for Missional Discipleship and ecology of disciple-making.
  • Developing the start up and reproduction of Fellowship Bands and House Fellowships.
  • Training in the Inspire ecology through teaching retreats and Learning Communities.