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Darkness Is As Light To Him

In the early weeks of the pandemic we heard so many people saying what a blessing it was to have time to rest, to not be rushing around, to be working from home, to spend more time with the Lord, to enjoy family time and so on. But for many people it hasn’t looked at all like that. Some people have been in isolation because of their age or medical condition, and some because they don’t have a family, or even friends, to be their ‘bubble’. With sadness we have received too many stories of people who have felt lost, lonely and cut off from church and community. The months ahead loom like a darkness of uncertainty and even more so as the Winter days close in. 

For many people, the cry of David’s heart in Psalm 143 is real to them in this season: “The enemy pursues me, he makes me dwell in the darkness. So my spirit grows faint within me, my heart within me is dismayed.” But in his crying out to God, David choose to remember God’s faithfulness: “I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.” And he turns his heart, not to bitterness but to longing for more of God: “I spread out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land.”

It can be really hard to hold onto the promises to God when you are on your own, in lockdown, or feeling isolated. Maybe the answer is not to forget His promises or to abandon hope. Rather spread out your hands and trust that, “Even darkness will not be dark with the Lord; the night will shine like day, for darkness is as light to HIm.” (Psalm 139:12)

Who is the Lord inviting you to reach out to that can help to remind you of God’s faithfulness yesterday, today and forever? 

And if you are not the one reaching out of loneliness or isolation, then perhaps you need to reach into someone’s life this week and follow God’s calling to arise and shine to be His Light. (see also the reflection ‘Arise To Shine’).

Who is the Lord inviting you to spread out your hands to, so that He can demonstrate the Light of His love? 

Here are some ways that Inspire might be able to help you reach out to others to help you see the Light and/or share the Light: 

  • Share the Beacon of Hope – you can subscribe using the button below.
  • Subscribe to the monthly Inspire Prayer Bowl which helps us to focus on how we stay close to Jesus and hold one another in prayer.
  • Read the Inspire e-News where we share more stories of what God is doing around the Movement
  • Contact the Inspire prayer group to share your prayer requests, and/or your answers to prayer to encourage others. 
  • Connect with an Inspire Missioner who could help you join in a fellowship band and/or learning community (online or in person)