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Dec 11: Jesus is the Word

Mary’s Song


Luke 1:46-56


Mary was so full of joy! And she turned her joy back to God. Singing lifts the spirit and make the heart smile. For hundreds and thousands of years people have used song to help express what is in their hearts and minds. The bible contains over 400 references to singing and 50 direct commands to sing. Songs for Jesus come from deep within us, and become an act of worship. Whether through sorrow or joy, music has a way of bringing people together.


Names of Jesus #11 ~ The Word

Today’s promise

“In the beginning, The Word was already there. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1


“You’re the Word of God the Father, From before the world began; Every star and every planet Has been fashioned by your hands! You’re the Author of creation, You’re the Lord of every oneAnd your cry of love rings out across the lands.”

(Lyrics from: You’re the Word of God the Father Stuart Townend)

Extract from: Counting Down to Christmas with Jesus, by Tabitha Heathcote, illustrated by Katie Meadows. Inspire Movement Publishing, 2020