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Dec 18: Jesus is the Morning Star

A New Covenant


Jeremiah 31:31-34


God made a promise to his people, that there would be a new covenant. Jesus was the beginning of that new covenant. Everyone who knows Jesus, knows God. Through believing in Jesus, his life, death and resurrection, we are forgiven, all our sins are washed away and we can start fresh. We are no longer in bondage to the laws of the Old Testament because through loving and living with Jesus, God’s will/law is in our minds and written on our hearts.


Names of Jesus #18 ~ The Morning Star

Today’s promise

I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this witness for the churches. I am the Root and the Son of David. I am the bright Morning Star.” Revelation 22:16


Jesus, Jesus my bright star,

Oh how wonderful you are.

Up above the word so bright,

There’s no dark that you can’t light.

Jesus, Jesus my bright star,

Oh how wonderful you are. 

(Sing to the tune twinkle twinkle little star)

Extract from: Counting Down to Christmas with Jesus, by Tabitha Heathcote, illustrated by Katie Meadows. Inspire Movement Publishing, 2020