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Dec 2: Jesus is Saviour

Zechariah the Priest


Luke 1:5-10


When God made the world everything was good.  Read about it in Genesis 1. But Adam and Eve didn’t do what God said and, because of their sin, God had to send them out of the beautiful garden. However, God didn’t leave them. He still loved them. So when his people, the Israelites, built a house for him, God’s presence was there. Sadly, because of their sin, they couldn’t go into God’s house unless they followed all God’s commands. So, only a few people, the priests, could enter the presence of God, only when it was their turn and they had followed all the rules. Everyone else had to pray outside. Zechariah was a priest and it was his turn to visit with God. 

When Jesus came and died on the cross he took our sin away. Now we can spend time with God all the time, wherever we are.


Names of Jesus #2 ~ SAVIOUR

Today’s promise

“We no longer believe just because of what you said. We have now heard for ourselves. We know that this man really is The Saviour of the world.” John 4:42


Jesus, Saviour of the world. Thank you that we can spend every moment with you. Help us to believe and have faith in all of your promises. Open our eyes to see all that you are doing in us and in the world. Amen

Extract from: Counting Down to Christmas with Jesus, by Tabitha Heathcote, illustrated by Katie Meadows. Inspire Movement Publishing, 2020