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Dec 4: Jesus is the Vine



Luke 1:18-20


Zachariah found it really hard to believe what he was hearing. He and Elizabeth had wanted a baby for a very, very long time, but now they were both too old and Elizabeth was barren (she couldn’t have a baby). Zachariah couldn’t believe that his biggest wish was coming true! He doubted God could do the impossible.  

Do you believe that God can do the impossible? 

Do you find it hard to trust God?


Names of Jesus #4 ~ VINE

Today’s promise

“I am The Vine. You are the branches. If anyone remains joined to me, and I to him, he will bear a lot of fruit.”  John 15:5 


Jesus, our Vine who gives us life. Thank you that nothing is impossible with you. You are the God of the impossible. Help us to believe even when it all seems impossible, so we can encourage others to do likewise. Amen

Extract from: Counting Down to Christmas with Jesus, by Tabitha Heathcote, illustrated by Katie Meadows. Inspire Movement Publishing, 2020