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Dreaming with Jesus for 2021

Over the Christmas season we were listening to Chris Bowater songs to practice some simple songs for our house fellowship worship. One particular song really spoke to me and as I was sat with Jesus thinking about my New Year resolutions I realised that I don’t want to set MY goals for my life in 2021, I want to set JESUS‘ goals for my life. Perhaps you’d like to join me this year in being a dreamer for the Kingdom who sees the dreams comes true as we wait, walk and work with Jesus. 

Make me Lord a dreamer for Your kingdom
Plant in my heart heavenly desires
Grant faith that can say ‘Impossibilities shall be ‘
And vision lest a world should Perish not knowing Thee

Make me, Lord, a dreamer for your kingdom,
I would aspire to greater goals in God.
So cause faith to rise, to motivate each word and deed,
a faith that’s well convinced that Jesus meets every need.

Make me, Lord, a dreamer for your kingdom,
dreams that will change a world that‘s lost its way.
May dreams that first found their birth in your omnipotence
come alive in me, becoming reality.