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Easter Son-Rise!

Funny to think that the sun rises at different times in different places in the world. What a joy it was to receive news of the Easter sun rise in different places where Inspire friends live. Around the world we celebrated in different ways. We’d love to hear how you celebrated. And/or send us a photo of the sunrise in your neighbourhood

In College Station, Texas, there was an Easter morning communion around the cross and a fire.

In New Jersey, USA the sunrise stopped a driver in her tracks to take a picture.

In Chesterfield, UK two couples met on an early morning walk to watch the sunrise and sing hymns.

And in Wilmore, Kentucky, a group of people gathered at a local park to watch the sunrise and celebrate communion together.

But magnificent though the sun-rises were, the celebrations were all for the rising of The Son – our Saviour Jesus, risen and with us. Now that is HOPE for us all!

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