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Friday Fasting and Prayer

Many of our Inspire Missioners commit to fast and pray every Friday. We especially invite people to join us on the last Friday of each month when we specifically commit to fast and pray for the Inspire Movement.

In March, we are still in the Lenten season. We hope this has already been a season for developing spiritual practices. If so, we encourage you to press in even deeper. If you never got started, it is never too late!

Below are a few ideas you might like to try. These are taken from then Inspire for Kids Lenten Calendar:

Fasting – to make us hungry for more of God, and help us to focus on the things He wants us to pray for, to do, to say, to give.

  • Fast from fidgeting! Just sitting still can be kind of fast. Try sitting very still for 1 minute and focusing on God. Then next time try for 2 minutes and so on. You might find helpful to light a candle or focus on picture. Try to sit in silence, and let yourself become accustomed to just listening for God.
  • Fast from technology! Many people use their phones, email, Facebook often that fasting/abstaining from them for one day can be a challenge. But it can be a good way of reminding us to make connecting with God a priority, even before we connect with other people.

Praying – to develop a constant conversational relationship with God.

  • Pray with your whole body! Stand up, with your hands raised; sit down and fold your hands together; lay down with your face to the floor; jump up and downing praise; kneel down …
  • Pray your praises! It is almost impossible to be afraid when you are praising God! Set an alarm to remind you to stop and give thanks in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening.

Giving – because Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously… God will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. You will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 2 Cor 9: 6-8

  • Give someone a gift of your time! It is more precious to give someone your full attention for 10 minutes than to spend £10/$10 on a gift.
  • Give an extra gift! Deuteronomy 16:19 challenges us to “Make a freewill offering in proportion to the blessing the Lord has given you.” Perhaps you could direct a freewill offering to Inspire:

Please join us as we seek the Lord in our fasting and prayer…

  • Tell us what you hear or see from the Lord
  • Send us any scripture or insights you feel the Lord gives you
  • Invite the Lord to help you long for more of Him
  • Share what the Lord has given you – prayerfully, practically, financially – freely you have received, freely give
  • Bless us with stories of how the Lord is changing you through fasting, praying and giving

You can contact us at: [email protected]

The monthly Inspire Prayer Bowl includes wisdom and prayers for the Inspire Way of Life, and share more of what we discern the Lord speaking to us. We recommend that you SUBSCRIBE to receive the Prayer Bowl in your email.