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Gathered and Scattered


Phil and Liz Cornell, Inspire Missioners, hosted an Introduction to Inspire Retreat Day in their home town of Chesterfield on 6 July 2019. 25 people came to the day and were blessed by the teaching, sharing and great food! At the end of the band sharing time, one group of three decided to keep meeting


Harold Agnew is the Director of the Inspire Core Team in Ireland and is drawing together a new Team to guide Inspire in Ireland. In June, Phil and Samantha Meadows spent several days visiting with Irish Missioners, and a number of Inspire fellowships during their June visit to Ireland. As usual the Spirit was moving and we celebrated miraculous answers to prayer, healing, deepening friendships, and the blessing of bearing one another’s burdens.

Wesley Pilgrimage, Swanwick

Phil and Samantha Meadows visited the Hayes Conference Centre in Swanwick, UK, on 10 July 2019, to share Inspire with 30 visitors from the USA who were on a Wesley Pilgrimage organised by Discipleship Ministries in the USA. It was a wonderful time of teaching, sharing, and ministry as people learned about the Wesleyan DNA of Inspire and were challenged to reflect on their own discipleship as well as there contexts in which they serve. 

Inspire Steering Group

The International Steering Group of Inspire is a group of Inspire Missioners who give oversight to the whole of the Inspire Movement and help to keep the vision of Inspire pure. They meet twice a year to seek the Lord, receive prophecy, pray and discern for the  growth of the Movement. At their meeting in June, the Steering Group celebrated the Missioners who are co-working with us in the coming year, talked about the developments in the three emerging Core Teams, reviewed the financial health of the Movement and continued to discern the balance between strategic organisation and following the move of the Spirit to grow a Movement not build an institution.


On 20 July 2019, Phil Meadows preached at the induction service of Matt Wright, Inspire Missioner and Baptist minister at South Parade Baptist Church in Leeds. The congregation were challenged to long for more of God, and Matt will have the opportunity to follow up as he heads up the small group ministry in the church.


Phil and Samantha Meadows are travelling to Sibu, Malaysia in August where Phil is speaking at the 10th Wesleyan Seminar at Methodist Theological School, Sibu. We will be sharing then Inspire vision for discipleship as a way of life using Wesleyan DNA. The Seminar runs from the evening of Monday 19 August to end of Wednesday 21 August, and the daily schedule begins at 5:15 a.m!