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Generosity is a Spiritual Discipline

Generosity is a spiritual discipline not just a “fund me” for causes important to God. When we view generosity as a form of stewardship we can begin to see that everything we have is actually God’s. How are we being good stewards of all things –  our resources (money, homes, possessions), time, and talents/gifts/abilities? Remember: they all belong to God; we are invited by God to be caretakers/stewards; we have the privilege of giving generously.*

This season of pandemic has caused difficulty for many people financially, and we need to be attentive to people’s real needs. But when we remember that generosity in giving is a spiritual discipline, then we are also reminded that God does not put His generosity on hold and neither should we. The widow gave her last two coins out of her love for Jesus. And Jesus gave His life out of love for you.

  • Is the Lord prompting you to give generously this month?
  • Maybe He is inviting you to review your finances. Could you be a better steward of all He has provided for you?
  • How could you make your giving a means of grace for someone? 
  • Is someone in your neighbourhood in need? How could you help?
  • Could you be an answer to prayer through your giving?
  • Would you like to be a part of reaching further into our needy world with the hope of Jesus? Please help to support an Inspire Missioner to enable them to give generously to further the Kingdom through the Inspire Movement around the world. 

Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. Deut 15:10

Please consider exercising the spiritual discipline of generosity and becoming a regular giver to Inspire. You can find out how to do that by clicking the button below or contact us at [email protected]

*(Adapted from a study guide provided by FPC Houston. ©Copyright 2021 First Presbyterian, Houston.)

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