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Give. Pray. Fast

Lent begins on 26 February, and so we encourage you to think about how you are exercising the spiritual disciplines of giving, praying and fasting in your own life. And we challenge you to invite other people to join you in practicing these disciplines over the coming weeks.

Here are a few ways to get started:

If you are able to join us in Wilmore, for our February Learning Community on Spiritual Disciplines. You can find out more here: Missional Practices

Make a gift to the Inspire Movement to mark your commitment to practice the spiritual disciplines more. Perhaps you could review your giving and start a regular gift to Inspire as part of your tithing. You can read more about how to give to Inspire here: GIVING

Subscribe to our monthly Prayer Bowl to receive more prayer updates: SUBSCRIBE

Join our Prayer Group on Signal messenger, where we post regular prayer request, updates, insights and answers to prayer. Contact us to join in: [email protected]

On the last Friday of every month we commit to fast and pray for the Inspire Movement. Many people use the Wesleyan tradition of fasting from after supper on Thursday until 3 p.m. on Friday to remember the time of the Last Supper through to Jesus’ death. There are lots of other ways to fast too. Whatever way you are able, the most important thing is to dedicate time to PRAY.

In the coming months the dates for the Friday Fasting and Prayer are:

  • Friday 28 February
  • Friday 27 March
  • Friday 24 April
  • Friday 29 May

As you give, pray and fast, you might feel the Lord is speaking to you for Inspire and we would love to hear from you: [email protected]