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Give Thanks

In Thessalonians 5 we read: ‘Rejoice always,  pray continually,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.’ That seems like a tall order in the midst of a pandemic when everything seems so out-of-order. We don’t know if or when we will see family or friends, all kinds of restrictions impede what used to be ‘normal’, sickness and fear top the news headlines. 

And yet, God’s will for us is that we ‘give thanks in all circumstances’. How do we do that? We do it ‘in Jesus’. We are not alone. Jesus is with us. The season of Advent calls us to remember that all the more:  Emmanuel – God WITH US – now and always.

Giving thanks is not an option, it is a command. But it comes with His promise that Jesus will give us His strength and His riches and Himself. That reminds us of the song: 

Give thanks with a grateful heart,
Give thanks to the Holy One,
Give thanks because He’s given
Jesus Christ His Son. 
And now let the weak say I am strong, 
Let the poor say I am rich.
Because of what the Lord has done for us,
Give thanks

Even though it may seem counter-cultural right now, maybe too hard for you to contemplate, or too painful to press through, we encourage you to:
>>>See Jesus sitting right there with you in this very moment ..
>>>>Give Thanks.

The power of your thanksgiving wins over the powers of the darkness around you. That is why God’s will for you is to GIVE THANKS.