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God’s Creative Spirit in Fellowship

One of our prayers has been that our community would be marked by God’s creative spirit. Matt is a young man who works at a coffee shop in town. After many conversations, I came to discover who used to lead worship and pastor in a local church but got fired, and severely hurt as a result. Anyway, he’s become a regular part of our fellowship and has been sharing his gift for leading worship with us.

One Saturday, Matt shared with our fellowship an original song that he wrote called, “Your Love is Enough”. He gave me permission to share it with Inspire too! The chorus and bridge goes like this: 

When it’s hard enough to keep on breathin’
When it feels like nobody’s listenin’
Your love is enough

You’re enough when everything is taken
When the storms come and bring the waves in
Your love is enough.

In the valley low
Here in this dirty soil
You remind my Soul
That’s where your flowers grow

You make all things beautiful
You make all things beautiful
Through the seasons God I know
You’ll make it beautiful

Then on the Sunday evening, we found a flower growing in the walkway outside my Mom’s house. Such a beautiful reminder!

Stephen and Wendy are Inspire Missioners planting missional communities in Kingsport, TN, USA.