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House Fellowship

House Fellowship is a primary expression of the church on mission in the neighborhood, reaching out across all our relational networks.

  • 6-20 people, all ages, as “extended family”
  • Meeting weekly (or twice monthly), in a home, for 2-3 hours
  • Growing together as a community of disciples, and blessing their neighbors
  • Following rhythms based on the Inspire Way of Life

Gathering in a House Fellowship is usually mid-week and can compliment your existing church commitments, or you can use it as the basis for planting a house church. Below is a brief overview. Contact us for more information, and help with starting up and pressing into fellowship.

Church at Home

Imagine this: A community that feels like a close family, sharing the ups and downs of ordinary life, and helping one another grow in deep habits of discipleship and mission. Imagine a community that has no single leader, because every aspect of your life together is “bring and share”. Imagine spending most of your time around a dining table: eating good food and sharing how God is present and at work in your daily lives. Imagine sitting in a living room: singing, praying, and learning how to use the spiritual gifts to build one another up. Imagine being immersed in a fellowship that is like a healing pool for the soul, as you help one another abide more deeply with God and live more missionally in your neighborhood. The question is, are you ready to become part of such a family?

Family of Disciples

If someone invited you to go to church, what would you think they were asking?

Core Practices

House Fellowships use the following ingredients at each gathering (which were also part of the early church, as described in Acts 2:42-47)…

  • Eating delicious food
  • Sharing good news
  • Sharing bread and wine
  • Simple participatory worship

Rhythm of Conversation

After dinner and worship, we have spiritual conversation around one of four ingredients in rotation…

  • Soul sharing
  • Scripture words
  • Gifts and disciplines
  • Everyday mission