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Inspire Around the World

At one of the Prayer Gatherings, Inspire received an image of lights coming on around the world, slowly at first and then faster and more widely spread. It seemed like a sign that the Lord was getting ready to spread the Inspire vision of missional discipleship, and the ecology of our fellowships, around the world to transform lives everywhere it was received. 

We have seen a few lights every now and again: a Missioner in China, a conference in Malaysia, a band in Thailand… But recently there have been many more ‘lights’ emerging and we are expecting more!

Here are a few of the ‘lights’ that have come on in the last couple months that you can join us in praying about: 

  • An Inspire Missioner translated the Inspire Way of Life bookmark into Spanish and we hurried it to production for use with a cohort of students in Mexico starting with bands.
  • We started conversations with a missions organisation that works in Russia and the former USSR countries about piloting Inspire in their region and utilising our resources as part of their leadership training.
  • Our Missioners in Ukraine are hoping to have Inspire resources in Russian. 
  • An Inspire Missioner presented Inspire Fellowship Bands to a large missions organisations in September. We are already helping mentor a band that includes missionaries in three countries; talking to a missionary couple about how to use Inspire resources in Ecuador; and exploring an Inspire Team for Europe.  
  • We have had a number of requests for our resources in Spanish and one of our Inspire Missioner wants to use them in her role as spiritual director with a school in Guatemala. 

We are very excited that the Lord is inviting us to join in more and more opportunities that He is presenting. And we would love for you to JOIN IN too. Here is how you can be a ‘light’ and help us to keep growing the Inspire Movement around the world:

  • PRAY, pray, pray, that we will keep in step with the Spirit. We believe God wants us to move on this NOW and do an excellent job of translating our resources and bringing them to production in the next year.  We already have people waiting for resources in Spanish and Russian so we need people who can accurately translate the words, and capture the spirit in the words too.
  • LISTEN to what God might be saying for Inspire as we see lights coming on around the world – and send us an email to tell us!
  • GIVE so that we can fund people to do the very best translation of Inspire resources so that we can start publishing them as soon as possible.