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Inspire Ministry

Yeich Family Update – July 2024


While we have not had any opportunities for in person training events this spring, Brian has been preaching at several churches sharing the Inspire Way of Life. He also attended The Order of the Flame in April and enjoyed several conversations about Inspire and our ministry. 

In June Brian was the speaker, along with Bishop Scott Jones, at the North Alabama Global Methodist Annual Conference. The following weekend we spent several days with members and elders of a church in Irving, TX, sharing how they might infuse Inspire elements into their existing small group ministry.

August will find us in Kentucky for a DMin class Brian is co-teaching and then back to USM in Mississippi for another day of Inspire training with the Wesley Foundation student leaders.


Sarah finished her junior year of high school and is now officially a senior! March and May gave us opportunities to be in Kentucky. It was wonderful to spend time with friends and our kids, celebrating birthdays and Mother’s Day. We also had the opportunity to go on a real full family vacation with all our kids in June. Florida was hot, but we managed time at the beach, some shopping, and watching beautiful sunsets. In July, we will be off again. This time to Lake Junaluska for a Young Writers Conference which Sarah will be attending.

Prayer Points

  • Continued ministry & teaching opportunities
  • Continued healing for Brian’s knee
  • Travel mercies for July and August trips
    • July 24-August 4: Mt. Airy and Lake Junaluska, NC
    • August 19-25: Wilmore, Kentucky
    • August 29-30: USM in Hattisburg, MS

Brian and Misty are Inspire Missioners based in Louisiana with their daughter Sarah. They fund-raise support for their day-to-day living costs and ministry expenses. Click here to read more of their reflections and adventures. Â