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Jesus in My Neighbourhood: Hope!

As the days grow shorter, the darkness seems to close around us in the night, the pandemic, the sadness and heaviness of everything that is going on in the world. But we have a HOPE that is greater than the darkness. A LIGHT for our own lives that we can shine into other peoples’s lives. His name is JESUS and He is WITH US. 

“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighbourhood.”
John 1:14 MSG

In the town in England where Tabitha lives they asked everyone to put up lights on the outside of their houses so that people could walk around the neighbourhood and share the joy because there can be no Christmas markets, gatherings or public festivities because of Covid restrictions. Tabitha’s son Malachi loves the sparkling lights as they walk but the house in the picture above seemed to shine the brightest! 

Where can you see Jesus in your neighbourhood in this Advent season? Do send us your stories and photos. We would love to share them to encourage people with Hope. [email protected]

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