I needed a picture of my prayer scarf to share in the Inspire Prayer Bowl to illustrate a reflection about praying. So it didn’t seem right to take a picture of just the scarf. The scarf doesn’t pray! It is I, wearing the scarf that prays:-) So I wrapped myself in it, like I have done so many times, and took a photo.
The scarf has been folded up in a drawer since Christmas. I usually wear it when I travel and I haven’t been able to travel anywhere because of the pandemic. I wear it like a big hug from God. It keeps me warm when I am cold. It keeps the sun off when it is hot. It is soft to the touch and nice to snuggle when I (try to) sleep on aeroplanes. Its rainbow colours remind me of God’s faithfulness as He watches over my coming and going. I even used to wear it around the house as a prayer shawl when I was cleaning – but you can read about on the Inspire blog! (Click HERE)
Taking the scarf out of the drawer at the weekend reminded me how much I am missing my travels during this pandemic. That’s not because I like travelling! But because it takes me to visit people I love in England, Ireland, the USA and lots of other places. And it reminded me that, even though the scarf is a helpful aid to my prayers, I have learned to keep on praying, all of the time, with or without my scarf on. That is because what matters most is the power of Jesus’ Spirit at work in and through our prayers. It is that which keeps us always in His presence and always connected in love to our brothers and sisters in Jesus.
“At all times, pray by the power of the Spirit. Pray all kinds of prayers. Be watchful, so that you can pray. Always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. I also pray for you. Praying that whenever you speak, the right words will be given to you. Then you can be bold as you tell the mystery of the good news.” Ephesians 6:18-19 NIRV