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Light in the Darkness

On Monday (19 July) almost all covid restrictions were lifted in England. No doubt for some it felt like a huge relief and new freedom. But for many it seems like too much too soon. It is not so much the rising cases of covid that feel overwhelming, it is more the hesitancy about what life looks like after so long under such tight restrictions. It has been very interesting returning to the UK from the USA this summer and seeing the consequences of the pandemic on people’s lives that run much deeper than our experiences in the USA. 

As I was our driving through the city on Monday, I was praying for my family, and friends and our Inspire fellowships in the UK and beyond. This pandemic continues to wreak havoc. Restrictions may change but people are realising that they have to find ways to overcome what is actually a kind of post traumatic stress disorder. I was thinking about how light shines in the darkness. I remembered an old Sunday School song: “Jesus bids us shine with a pure, clear light, Like a little candle burning in the night. In this world of darkness so let us shine You in your small corner, And I in mine.”Wait a minute, I thought, that’s not right, I think Jesus wants to be a bigger light in this season than just a small candle in the corner.

Then I smiled as a fond memory popped into my head of our friend Frank playing his guitar at one of our gatherings and singing “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.”  That seemed more like the kind of light we need right now. The kind that shines around the world and won’t be put out. 

But as I drove through the city it felt like my little light wasn’t going to be bright enough for this pandemic. What I long for is the light of Jesus to shine so brightly in my life, and the lives of those around me, that we are like an inextinguishable blaze that dismisses the darkness. 

And right as I was crying out to the Lord in prayer, a song came on the radio that I have not heard before. The first line of the chorus hit me so hard I nearly had to stop the car, “Your light will terrify the dark.” Jesus’ light is not just a flicker in whatever darkness we find ourselves in, it is so bright that the darkness will flee in fear of the Lord Almighty! 

When scripture tells us at the start of John’s gospel, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it,” it is not because the darkness is crowding in on the light, it is because the light is pushing back the darkness. And as I listened to the song I had a new revelation that Jesus doesn’t just want to gently push back the darkness in our lives. His very name “tears the night apart.” This is the power of Jesus – The Light of The World! 

When I got home I was still repeating the line in my head “Your light will terrify the dark.” so I went to look up the rest of the words of the song. It was a challenge to me and I have been using it as a prayer this week. No matter how dark the world seems right now, no matter how hopeless or fearful you feel, remember that the light of Jesus ‘terrifies the dark’ and shines brightly on you. 

Lord Jesus shine your light in my life, terrify the darkness. Fill me with your Holy Spirit so that my life will shine your light wherever I go so that others will know the depth of your love and power of your peace. Amen. 

Your Light Will Terrify the Dark

No power on earth, no power in hell
Is gonna steal my peace
Ten thousand enemies, they will
End up on their knees

When I’m hopeless
I can know this
You’re with me

Your light will terrify the dark
I call upon the name
That tears the night apart
My doubt will answer to your scars
And fear will have no place
No hold upon my heart

Your light will terrify the dark

Where could I run, where could I hide
You’re breaking in on me
Restore the ruins of my life
From rags to royalty

I can see you
I believe you
I trust you

Your light will terrify the dark
I call upon the name
That tears the night apart
My doubt will answer to your scars
And fear will have no place
No hold upon my heart

Your light will terrify the dark

Break in on me
‘Til all I see is you
Is you

Break in on me
Cuz all I need is you
Is you

Writers: Writer(s): John Cooper, Mia Fieldes, Seth Mosley, Korey Cooper

Samantha is an Inspire Missioner, wherever she is (currently in the UK)!