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Lord, Hear Our Cries

Lord Jesus, risen, ascended, glorified;
standing in the middle of heaven’s throne;
all powerful and all seeing;
hear the cries of your of your suffering people and come quickly.

Lord Jesus, risen, ascended, glorified;
open the door of heaven so we might know you are here; with us;
with all authority and power and might.

Lord Jesus, risen, ascended, glorified;
the Lion of Judah; who has defeated every evil power of sickness and death;
stretch out your mighty right hand;
bind up these viral demons, and cast them into the lake of fire.

Lord Jesus, risen, ascended, glorified;
the Lamb of God; who was dead and is alive forever;
set a limit to our suffering;
and stretch out your healing hand to save our loved ones.

How long, O Lord? Not my friends.
He says, “Fear not! Look! I am coming soon!”

Phil Meadows on the Inspire Prayer Group.

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