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Multiplying Fellowship

We saw some awesome answers to prayer in our church in March! One rhythm we do regularly in our gatherings is “Engaging Mission”.  It is a time that we gather and share what we see God doing in our community around us, and how we are partnering with him in mission in our everyday lives.  We have been regularly bringing specific names of people to pray for that we want to invite into our community.  This month, one of those families joined our Missional Community, one of the people agreed to join in a new band, and God provided the opportunity to invite another of these families to visit our Missional Community.  This was super encouraging for all of us to see God answer specific prayers and work through all of us in our church, not just Anthony and I! 

With the addition of a new family to our group, our current group is currently maxed out.  Although we have been encouraging leadership as we have gone along, we are now especially planning on training leaders and praying for discernment on how to start our next group and what that will look like.  We also have a church member who has felt called to lead our community into deeper prayer, so they are now leading a monthly prayer gathering for our community members, but also anyone who we know who wants to further seek God in prayer. 

We continue to be so blessed by those of you who pray for us regularly! We could not “carry on” in full time ministry without your covering us in prayer and interceding on our behalf.  Please continue to be praying for us and our ministry! Below are some areas that we need specific prayer in: 

  • Housing – Pray for God to provide the right home for our family and our ministry.
  • Discernment Team – Pray for our discernment team, that God would direct our steps, and give us insight, wisdom, and his vision for our church.
  • Church members and connections– Please be praying for the new and current members of our Missional Community, and new bands, for God’s protection and care over our members.  
  • Watts – Please be praying for Anthony and I, that we will remain strong in spirit with the help of the Holy Spirit, that God will lead us and fill us with joy and peace.

Kylie and Anthony, and their two daughters, are church planting with Inspire principles and practices. You can read more about their ministry, sign up for their newsletters and find out how to support them HERE.