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New Inspire Publication

Missional disciples are those who abide deeply in Jesus (with hearts full of his love) and live missionally in the world (overflowing with love for our neighbours). In doing so, they follow his example, grow in his likeness, and join in his mission. As a consequence, they bear the fruit of the Spirit as whole-life disciples, and keep in step with the Spirit as everyday missionaries. Here are some working definitions.

  • Whole-life disciples. Jesus said, “Remain in me.” We aim to live as his followers in the whole of life. So, we seek to become more like him in heart and life, whether we are at church, home, work, the shops, or any other place we go.
  • Everyday missionaries. Jesus said, “Go and bear fruit.” We also aim to see ordinary life as a mission field for sharing the gospel, in word and deed, with all those we meet. So, we seek to follow him by joining in his mission, wherever life takes us.

Missional Discipleship: A Field Guide is our newest Inspire Movement publication. The vision for missional discipleship in this guide comes from the hard won wisdom of the Inspire Movement which draws upon the theology and spirituality of John Wesley, who pioneered a movement that changed the world. At the heart of this movement was discipleship as a way of life with four core values:

  • Seeking growth in the love of God and neighbour;
  • Practising his presence through the spiritual disciplines;
  • Following him together in close fellowship;
  • Engaging in everyday mission with him, especially among the least and the lost.

We have found this is essentially the genetics of Jesus himself which the Spirit reproduces in all his disciples.

Missional Discipleship: A Field Guide is written to be a compendium of biblical, theological, spiritual and practical wisdom for those who are seeking the way of whole-life discipleship and everyday mission, wherever they are on the journey of faith. It also provides a comprehensive resource for preachers, teachers, and mentors who desire to lead others into this way of life.

Missional Discipleship: A Field Guide, by Philip Meadows, Inspire Movement Publishing, 2024, is available to purchase from the Inspire Book Store. It is also available on Kindle. Click here for Kindle USA. Click here for Kindle UK.