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News from the Frontline – May/June

Inspire Missioners work out their role in different contexts, developing Inspire practices and cultivating the core values of the Way of Life. Here are some highlights of what is happening across the Movement at the moment: 

 Tabitha, in the UK, preparing the new i4k Advent devotional for publication this summer. See also below

 Anthony and Kylie in the USAlooking for home in St Louis to be their mission-base for their new church plant. Read more below. 

 Matt and Rachel in the UK, taking up more responsibilities in leading the Inspire Movement in Great Britain and in the international School of Discipleship. Read more below.

 Hannah, in the USA, completed her Healing Prayer paper and is preparing to fundraise to work full-time with Inspire particularly developing healing prayer bands and retreats

 Alison, in Northern Ireland, growing in confidence in Inspire through being a band mentor on the Inspire online courses.

 Ron and Linda in the USA, hosted a gathering of bands to share testimonies, and continuing to multiply bands and house fellowships in their context. 

 Phil and Sam, overseeing the growing Inspire Movement internationally, guiding Missioners that are developing new roles in the Movement, travelling back to the UK in June for two months. 

 Brent and Colleen, based in the Ukraine, discerning about new house fellowships, multiplying bands, working on partnership between Inspire and OMS.

 Andy in the USA, picking up new opportunities for healing ministry.  

 Frank and Brenda in the USA, mentoring multiple bands, planning a new house fellowship in their neighbourhood, and using Inspire as the foundation for their teaching in a young adult weekly bible study. 

 Peter and Liz in N.Ireland, re-connecting with Inspire groups across Ireland and exploring new opportunities. 

 Mary in Ukraine, getting married on 19 June! Co-leading an Inspire online course in September

  Gail and Daniel  OMS missionaries and Inspire Missioners, finally able to return to the mission field in Spain after being on furlough in the UK for much longer than planned because of the pandemic. 

Several Inspire Missioners are fundraising right now to raise support so that they can work part or full-time with Inspire in 2021. We believe they are part of our answer to prayer for more workers for the harvest but we need you to be a part of the Lord’s provision in order to make it possible

  • Congratulations on graduating from Asbury Seminary with a Masters in Ministry! Tabitha is working on Advent resource for children and families and preparing for the arrival of their second baby at the beginning of August. Please be praying for all her family this summer. 
  • Matt, Rachel (and Zoe!) are working on fundraising so they can dedicate their full-time to ministry with Inspire. They still have quite a way to go to be fully funded. Please pray about how you might be able to support them. They are gradually increasing their responsibilities in Inspire and making plans for more in person networking and gatherings in the Autumn.
  • “We have officially moved from our home in Kentucky and are in Cape Girardeau, Missouri whilst we are house-hunting in St Louis. We have experienced such a range of emotions during this transition, but have felt and experienced in action the love of so many of our friends and family.  We have been sent and received so well and we will be forever thankful. Here are some specific prayer points: We have experienced a wave of spiritual attack after we left our community in Wilmore so please be praying for protection over our family from the enemy. Provision for the right house and good discernment. For God connections with those that are hungry for what we are doing. Continued financial support ” CLICK HERE FOR OUR WEBSITE