Update from Denis. The picture above is portrait painted by someone during a conversation 🙂
I started a new role as a chaplain in my residence hall at seminary (in addition to the Inspire work). It’s been an adjustment, and while I’m definitely not a fan of the administrative/event side of things, I’ve enjoyed meeting with residents in this capacity. Though I was already well connected in the community, having this title gives me even more ability to minster to fellow students. I’ve loved walking with students through difficult situations and praying with them and I’m honored to be trusted with those things.
I started meeting with a group of friends to prophesy over people weekly; we met about 9 times this semester on Fridays. Each time, we pray over 2-3 people; they get about 15 minutes each. I start those times by discussing Scripture like 1 Corinthians 14 that talks about the practice of prophesy in the church, giving some guidelines as well. I’ve seen a lot of friends grow in confidence that they can hear God’s voice on someone else’s behalf through these times. It’s been an easy way to greatly bless people in the community and my goal is to equip/encourage multiple people to facilitate times like these after I graduate!
New Testament
This semester, all three of the courses I’m in have been in the New Testament: Greek 2, NT Theology, and Inductive Study in Romans. It’s been my most challenging semester; every week I have multiple assignments in each class. Having said that, my classes overlap a lot this semester, which has allowed me to be go deep on certain topics that I might have only skimmed over in a single class.
One of those topics has to do with the Greek word pistis. Usually translated as faith, this word has a broad range of meaning, including allegiance and loyalty. Often allegiance is a better translation. That has serious implications for how we think about evangelism and salvation! (If you want to read more, look up “Salvation by Allegiance Alone”)