Here are a few pointers to guide your prayers. The monthly Inspire Prayer Bowl includes more detailed prayer points as well as wisdom and prayers for the Inspire Way of Life. You can SUBSCRIBE to receive the Prayer Bowl in your email.
Please pray for:
- Humble hearts and minds as we seek to fast and pray for more of the Lord.
- Opportunities to be a light and witness in your community. How can we be more intentionally missional with our family and immediate neighbours, even with the restrictions of social distancing and isolation?
- The Spirit to grow the fruit of love in our hearts and lives so that we can be more full of Jesus whose perfect love drives out fear.
- Protection over Missioners as they continue to give themselves to guiding and cultivating missional disciples in these challenging times.
- Our Core Teams in Great Britain, Ireland and the USA taking the lead in maintaining momentum across the Movement, offering support and encouragement, and making plans for the continuing extension of the Kingdom through the Inspire Movement.
- The International Steering Group preparing to meet at the end of May, for protection over their time of meeting, wisdom in their oversight of the Movement and prophetic insight for the ongoing vision for Inspire.
- Those who are in special need of God’s healing touch and comfort at this time, that the Spirit will bring wholeness and in the process reveal more of Jesus in people’s lives.
- People who are struggling with real isolation because of stay-home orders, especially those who live alone.
- The vulnerable – not just virus vulnerable but vulnerable in other ways. Like those struggling with addictions, mental illness and long term illness, especially where many support networks are on hold.
- Insight as to how we can be the real presence of Jesus for those who have no internet access, cannot read, have no fixed abode, or for other reason cannot access online church.
- Governments and their leaders who have to make tough decisions in this pandemic. Pray for wisdom, compassion and careful responses.
- Protection for front line workers like NHS/health workers/doctors, teachers, food service providers, etc. and for their families who often live with significant consequences of that work.