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Prayer Points Aug-Sept 2021

Giving Thanks for…

  • HOT OFF THE PRESS! Miraculous healing and progress for Matt in N.Ireland 12 weeks after a breaking his neck in a surfing accident. He is able to walk again!  (Watch out for more of this testimony)
  • Newest member of the Inspire family – Ezra Ezekiel John born on 1 August. (see Tabitha’s prayer points below)
  • New resources for Inspire published this summer and soon available on the Inspire Book Store.
  • Inspire Missioners stepping up in their role and exploring how to further Gods work in their individual settings.
  • Online courses for the School of Discipleship filling up for the Autumn – Please pray for more.
  • Restrictions being lifted in the UK allowing for more freedom in worship and gathering.
  • People turning to Inspire to explore what it means to be disciples who abide deeply with God and live missionally as they continue to navigate the changing circumstances caused by the pandemic. 

Praying for…

  • Protection over Inspire Missioners and especially those in leadership in the Movement. 
  • Smooth and timely publication of our new Inspire resources. 
  • The potential development of partnerships for Inspire with churches and mission organisations in England, Eastern Europe and USA.
  • Fruitfulness from the extension of Inspire in Mexico, Ukraine, and other places through our OMS missionary Missioners.
  • Those whom the Lord is prompting to register for Inspire online courses, the they will follow through. And for the Lord to prepare the hearts of those who have already committed.
  • Inspire Core Teams continuing to take up the mantle of leadership
  • An increase in regular giving to Inspire so we can increase our resource provision and support more Missioners.
  • Continued refreshment for those still on holiday/retreat.
  • Renewed vigour for those starting back at work and studying. 
  • God’s continued protection over Inspire as COVID continues to cause significant problems and disruption in some areas. 

Praying for Inspire Missioners …

The Wright Family: “August has been full on with celebrations and sadness mixed together. We look forward to September for a weeks holiday/retreat and for time with family and away from the daily routine. Please pray God refreshes us and we come back raring to go. We are particularly excited about in person retreats starting and seeing peoples passion for God and love of others fanned into flame. Thankyou for all your prayers…every single one is heard by God.”

Tabitha: “Ezra Ezekiel John arrived at 11:29 p.m. on 1 August weighing in at 7lb 8oz. We were home by noon the next day! Malachi is loving his little brother. We are thankful that Michael has been at home because of the school holidays. Please pray for us all in the coming months as we adjust to new routines when Michael returns to school at the start of September. The Inspire Advent resource for families is still progressing and we hope to have a first edition ready for you to try in Advent this year. Thank you for all your prayers. They are working!”

The Watts Family: Please continue to pray for the plans and preparations for their church planting. CLICK HERE FOR THE WATTS WEBSITE

Hannah: Hannah is continuing with her fundraising and preparing for new opportunities with healing ministry, undergraduate student connections and house church as the academic year begins.   CLICK HERE FOR MORE OF HANNAH’S STORY

For more detailed prayer points and wisdom to guide your prayers please subscribe to the Inspire Prayer Bowl.