Giving Thanks …
- Vaccines for COVID that are now being administered in many countries of the world. We give thanks to God for this breakthrough.
- The Listening Prayer course that brought together 20 people in our online learning community to learn how to listen better to God.
- The Beacon of Hope that is bringing hope and encouragement to many people.
- Healing from sickness for several people we have been praying for.
- The new Advent resource for children and families on trial at the moment and receiving very positive feedback.
- People turning to Inspire to explore what it means to be disciples who abide deeply with God and live missionally in the world in the midst of a pandemic when many churches have closed their doors.
Praying for…
- Those for whom Christmas is going to be hard because of loneliness, loss, difficulties or illness.
- All those who are struggling under difficult restrictions because of the pandemic. And in particular our bothers and sisters in the UK at this Christmas time.
- The presence of Jesus to be real for people so that they will not be discouraged and will find inspiration from the Holy Spirit for continuing in fellowship with others in whatever ways are possible.
- The distribution of the Covid vaccines to be fair and swift and that people will be wise and patient as they wait, to continue to watch over one another with love.
- People struggling with the financial consequences of the pandemic through losing jobs, furlough and other loss.
- Protection over the fellowships that are still allowed to meet in person, and inspiration for healthy online meetings where in-person is not currently possible.
- Generous donors so that we can mobilise the Missioners who are ready to give their part or full-time to working with Inspire.
- The courses we are preparing for Spring 2021, that the right people will register and that the Lord will transform lives through our teaching and training.
- Those who are in special need of God’s healing touch and comfort at this time, that the Spirit will bring wholeness and in the process reveal more of Jesus in people’s lives. We especially remember…
- Those suffering with long-Covid
- People waiting for hospital treatments which have been put on hold because of rising Covid cases in hospitals
- The family of the 18 year old nephew of one of our Missioners who accidentally tripped and fell over a bannister and died from broken neck
Inspire Missioners …
Inspire Missioners work out their role in different contexts, developing Inspire practices and cultivating the core values of the Way of Life. Here are some highlights of what is happening across the Movement this month:
Frank and Brenda, in Texas, USA, settling into their new ministry appointment and home; looking to start a new study group; mentoring bands and waiting on new opportunities for Inspire ministry
Brent and Colleen in Ukraine, multiplying bands in the Ukraine.
Tabitha based in England, leading inspire for kids; preparing the online training course Children in Our Midst and raising financial support to work with Inspire.
Randy and Shelly in Ukraine, using Inspire resources in Russian to mentor fellowship bands in the Ukraine.
Denis in Ireland, re-starting dormant fellowship bands; starting a book study with Remembering Our Baptism book.
Derik & Kim developing missional communities using Inspire as their church planting model in Michigan,USA. Facing major structural issues with their home that are causing health problems.
Phil & Liz, in England, trying new ways of reaching their neighbourhood during the pandemic and enveloping relationships to connect and pray with people
Andy, in the USA, having competed the Listening Prayer online course, reviewing how to develop and enhance the training.
Peter & Liz in N.Ireland, letting the Lord set the pace in the pandemic as they develop links and grow in personal relationships to advance Inspire.
William and Krysta in the USA, re-envisioning The Company of Prophets to re-start in Wilmore in the New Year; and encouraging fellowship bands as means of developing worship gifts.
Anthony and Kylie raising financial support so that they can continue to give their full-time to Inspire ministry; exploring a new opportunity to church plant in St Louis, Missouri in 2021, using the Inspire vision as their foundation.
We have several Inspire Missioners who are fundraising right now to raise support so that they can work part or full-time with Inspire in 2021. We believe they are part of our answer to prayer for more workers for the harvest but we need you to be a part of the Lord’s provision in order to make it possible. Read more about supporting an Inspire Missioner by clicking the button below.