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Prayer Points Jan-Feb 2021

Giving Thanks for…

  • The new Prayer Gatherings meeting 4 times a year.
  • Inspire4Kids produced an amazing advent devotional which has been tested this year due to be published in time for next year
  • Growing number of Fellowship Bands in Ukraine thanks to OMS missioners
  • Inspire is still functioning on a global level despite the pandemic
  • Church leaders are turning to Inspire for fellowship and new ideas
  • Growth of existing Inspire ministries during the pandemic, people are craving closeness and real relationships
  • Healing for a number of people who we as a Movement are praying for.
  • Multiplication of House Fellowships and Bands following local guidelines in Wilmore, Kentucky
  • Beacon of Hope is still being sent and more and more people are contributing
  • School of Discipleship is growing and filling a gap that has been left by churches closing down
  • People turning to Inspire to explore what it means to be disciples who abide deeply with God and live missionally in the world in the midst of a pandemic when many churches have closed their doors.
  • Missioner Bands are forming and continuing well to help support, equip and train Inspire Missioners.
  • 52 missioners across the globe who are actively in sharing the Inspire Way of Life and bathing people in fellowship.
  • Vaccines for COVID that are now being administered in many countries of the world. We give thanks to God for this breakthrough.

Praying for…

  • The new online courses in the School of Discipleship, that the right people will register and that the Lord will transform lives through our teaching and training.
  • All those who are struggling under difficult restrictions because of the pandemic.
  • The presence of Jesus to be real for people so that they will not be discouraged and will find inspiration from the Holy Spirit for continuing in fellowship with others in whatever ways are possible. 
  • The distribution of the Covid vaccines to be fair and swift and that people will be wise and patient as they wait, to continue to watch over one another with love.
  • People struggling with the financial consequences of the pandemic through losing jobs, furlough and other loss.
  • Protection over the fellowships that are still allowed to meet in person, and inspiration for healthy online meetings where in-person is not currently possible.
  • Generous donors so that we can mobilise the Missioners who are ready to give their part or full-time to working with Inspire – see below
  • Those who are in special need of God’s healing touch and comfort at this time
  • Inspire Missioners ~ Phil and Samantha Meadows have dedicated themselves to the Inspire Movement for more than 10 years and it is growing faster than they can sustain themselves. We are thankful for Missioners who are following a call to give their full-time to working alongside Phil and Sam and other Missioners for advance the Movement and grow the Kingdom. 
    • Tabitha is preparing a new Inspire online course for the Spring to teach about discipling children. She is leading a team to develop more resources to help children and families engage with the principles and practices of Inspire. Tabitha is raising financial support so that she can give half her time to Inspire whilst she is caring for her toddler. 
    • Matt and Rachel are preparing to transition from church pastoral ministry to being full-time Missioners with Inspire. Rachel leads the Inspire Prayer ministry and wants to develop that further. Matt is going to be taking a lead in the School of Discipleship and helping to develop new resources. They are raising financial support so that they devote themselves fully to the work. 
    • Anthony and Kylie have been living by faiths full-time Inspire Missioners and raising financial support for the last three years. They are continuing to do so as they prepare to move to St Louis, Missouri, to start a new church plant in Summer 2021. You can read by clicking the button below.

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