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Prayer Points – March 2020

The monthly Inspire Prayer Bowl includes wisdom and prayers for the Inspire Way of Life. We will include highlights here on the website, but if you would like more in-depth prayer points, we hope that you will SUBSCRIBE to receive the Prayer Bowl in your email.

As we seek to be faithful in this unprecedented season we want to help people keep focused on the hope that we have in Jesus. We are going to be sending out a weekly BEACON OF HOPE prayer bulletin. This will be in addition to our monthly Prayer Bowl, and e-News. If you already receive our e-News or Prayer Bowl, you will receive a copy of the first edition and we trust that you will find it helpful. If you would rather not receive further editions you can unsubscribe at anytime. If you would like to subscribe to the Beacon of Hope Prayer Bulletin directly you can do so HERE.

Please pray for…

  • All those affected by the impact of the coronavirus around the world. Many people are facing travel restrictions, events have been cancelled, fellowship meetings are not taking place, people are in isolation. BUT it is also an opportunity to help people see beyond fear and meet Jesus, so pray that the Lord work all things together for good. Read our blog on contagious discipleship
  • Wisdom for Inspire leaders as we exercise oversight for fellowship groups, and make plans for our Inspire training in the coming weeks and months in the midst of the challenges of a pandemic.
  • The Lord to promote people to give generously to Inspire so we can better equip Missioners. There are exciting opportunities ahead of us, and we believe that you might be part of how the Lord wants to help financially support us to fulfil His purpose through Inspire. Please pray about how you might be able to give to Inspire so that we can continue to deliver training, mentor bands, plant new fellowships, publish resources, and develop new materials to support inspire for children and families.
  • Increasing blessing in the online Missioner bands that started from the Inspire-OMS (One Mission Society) Learning Community, and for each Missioner to plant a new band in the coming months.
  • The Core Teams in Ireland, England and the USA as they take up the increasing responsibilities as the Inspire Movement grows, even in the midst of global challenges
  • The new Inspire Scholars group to draw people together who want to deepen their study of discipleship.
  • Those who are in special need of God’s healing touch and comfort at this time, that the Spirit will bring wholeness and in thereby reveal more of Jesus in people’s lives.
  • Our new Inspire Prayer Coordinator as she takes up this role and helps to keep us more intentionally focused on prayer and prophecy as a Spirit led Movement.

We would love to receive your prayer requests and stories of answered prayer: [email protected]. We always respond to emails, and we never share any information or details without permission.