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Prayer Points March/April

The monthly Inspire Prayer Bowl includes wisdom and prayers for the Inspire Way of Life. We will include highlights here on the website, but if you would like more in-depth prayer points, we hope that you will SUBSCRIBE to receive the Prayer Bowl in your email.

Please pray for:

  • How can we be a light and witness in our community? If we can’t meet on a Sunday (and people weren’t coming along anyway!) how can we use this time to be more intentionally missional with our immediate neighbours?
  • People to exercise wisdom where governments are enforcing restrictions, so that more stringent measures do not need to be enforced.
  • The governments who have to make tough decisions. Pray for wisdom and compassion in the support they are offering.
  • The media, that they will take responsibility for the fear and panic they are spreading, and instead offer balanced reports. And for social media organisations to be responsible in what they are broadcasting.
  • Those in isolation. It is real but it doesn’t need to be a time for loneliness to take hold. Please pray we can contact and continue relationships with the most vulnerable (not virus vulnerable but socially vulnerable). 
  • Those who have no internet access, cannot read, have no fixed abode, or are not educated enough to access online church. 
  • Protection for front line workers like NHS/health workers/doctors, teachers, food service providers, etc.
  • Wisdom for employers in maintaining workforces on furlough. 
  • Humble hearts and minds as we seek to fast and pray for more of the Lord.
  • Protection over Missioners as they continue to give themselves to guiding and cultivating missional disciples in these challenging times.
  • Those who are in special need of God’s healing touch and comfort at this time, that the Spirit will bring wholeness and in the process reveal more of Jesus in people’s lives. 
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