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The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse

Charlie Mackesy

I was introduced to this book when I received a picture from one of the pages. I had been praying for someone who was struggling to cry in a time of grieving. I had felt like they needed to be set free to shed tears. Then up popped a message from that very person to say they had found this new book and wanted to share a picture that had spoken to them.

Seemed like the Lord had been at work in both of our hearts, and we found a lovely book of reflections to share with you too:-) It’s a book you can read from beginning to end, but it’s probably best to leave lots of time for pausing and reflection.

Here is how the author begins:

“You started at the beginning, which is impressive. I usually start in the middle, and never read introductions. It’s surprising that I’ve made a book because I’m not good at reading them. The truth is I need pictures. They are like islands, place to go to in a sea of words.

This book is for everyone, whether you are eighty or eight – I feel like both sometimes. I’d like it to be one you can dip into anywhere, anytime. Start in the middle if you like. Scribble on it, crease the corners and leave it well thumbed.”

This book is available from bookstores. If you choose to use Amazon, don’t forget to start at Amazon Smile so that Inspire benefits from your purchase.

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