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Abide: understanding the secrets of living for Jesus

by Warne W. Wiersbe

Matt, Inspire Missioner and Discipleship Pastor at a Baptist Church in Leeds, UK, shares this recommendation:

This quote from the book made me think of Inspire right away! The more you love Christ, the more you will obey Him. And the more you obey Him, the more you will abide in Him. As you abide in Him, you will bear fruit and there you bear fruit, the more you will live!

The book is a quick read but with deep, practical teaching & is based entirely on Jesus’ teaching on the vine in John 15

If you choose to purchase Abide: understanding the secrets of living for Jesus, by Warren W. Wiersbe, from Amazon – don’t forget to use Amazon Smile so that Inspire can benefit from your purchases: 

USA: from Amazon Smile

UK: from Amazon Smile

The Next Right Thing

Judy, Inspire Missioner in Northern Kentucky, shares this recommendation:

There is a wonderful podcast by Emily P. Freeman that you would love called The Next Right Thing.

It fits well with Inspire’s missional context. Emily reminds people that Jesus never asked people to have their whole lives planned out. He only ever asked them to do “the next right thing.” For the young girl who was raised from the dead, it was a meal. For the paralytic, it was get up and walk. For the leper, it was go and show yourself to the priests. It has become my mantra for each new day: what is my next right thing.

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