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Two of our Inspire Missioners recently had articles published 

Derik begins his article, High Bar Discipleship, in the Free Methodist Church USA newsletter by asking: 

“‘What is a disciple and how do we make one?’ This question has been a blessing and a curse to many leaders in the church in the last few years. We are reaping the fruit of decades of attractional, consumer focused, seeker-sensitive, non-missional forms of “church” which have left us with shallow spiritual consumers and converts but not disciples.”

He goes on to outline the four ingredients of the Inspire Way of Life and points to bands as a key to being and making disciples.

Click the button below to read Derik’s article. 

Tammie’s article, Ordinary, Everyday Discipleship: Banding Together for Faithful Living at Home, Work, and in the World  is an academic paper, published in the Christian Education Journal, Vol 17no.2, August 2020.

“The rediscovery of the church calendar, specifically ordinary time and the daily office in popular Christian publishing, prompts the recovery of the whole of everyday life as integral to Christian discipleship. This paper considers how intentional Christian community in the spirit of the eighteenth-century Methodists that leverages insights from transformational learning theory offers contemporary Christians an opportunity for considering the small moments of everyday as important to faithful Christian discipleship.” 

Tammie makes reference to Inspire as a ‘model for band meeting and a more comprehensive way of Christian living’.

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