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Choosing friends to start a fellowship band

Gareth sent us this testimony about how he found the spiritual friends to form a band with:

“I’d been praying about finding people to meet with in a band since moving to my new appointment. A number of circumstances made me feel like I was being led to a few specific individuals. We met for the first time yesterday, with both those who agreed to join with me speaking of how meeting in a band was an answer to their own prayers and longings. It seems that the Lord had been ahead of me preparing people, who I was then led to ask. God is so faithful and always a little ahead of us!”

Learning from losing!

Peter sent us his story about a lesson he’s been learning:

“On a visit to London recently I left my phone on the top deck of a bus in Marylebone Rd and had to chase it for a stop and a half before catching up and getting on to retrieve it! Funny thing was, I only got the bus to try to avoid arriving hot and sticky at the committee meeting I had to attend. You can imagine the state I was in when I got there! A few days before that in Cahersiveen I almost lost my wife, Liz! She was ahead of me as we ambled up the main street. I stopped outside a shop I thought Liz had gone into and chatted with the owner who was sitting on the pavement. After half an hour I went in to look for her and she wasn’t there at all…I found her waiting for me on a seat further up the street!! And I realised I lost my reading novel for the trip to London too…The theme of the week was definitely ‘loss’. What have you I got to learn from the Lord on that one? Life is such a buzz walking with Him!”

A few weeks later, Peter added:

“It’s actually given me lots of food for thought….like, I was SO keen to get my phone back and expended so much energy to do that. Where does that put my phone in the hierarchy of ‘precious things’ for me? So my prayer is, teach me Lord to value and seek with real enthusiasm and commitment, the things that YOU value and let me see them from Your perspective so that I can do that.”
