I’m not a fan of motorway driving! Everything is too fast, it’s always really busy and crowded and there is so much to concentrate on so I get tired really quickly. My husband loves motorway driving. It is his favourite type of driving. He was telling me the other day about a journey he was on.
It was the third time he had driven this particular route in as many days, so he knew where he was going. He found himself behind a car on the motorway that was making good progress and driving well so he decided to stick to it, follow it’s lead and keep pace with it. After a while he realised he wasn’t going very fast and he was in the slow lane, for no reason other than the car he had decided to follow was also going slow in the slow lane. Matt decided to speed up and change lane so that he didn’t slow down his journey too much.
As he relayed this series of events back to me he was reflecting on how we can sometimes do that in life: find something that is comfortable, easy, even good, and follow it. There is nothing inherently wrong with that. Maybe you have even determined what you feel God wants you to be doing and set out on that trajectory. But after a time you may realise you have slowed right down and you’re in the wrong lane. Maybe you have begun to do things out of routine and tradition rather than God’s leading. Maybe you are following the latest charismatic speaker rather than following God and his word. Maybe you have just got comfortable with your faith and you haven’t realised that you are avoiding getting out of lane and making progress because that would mean you needed to put too much effort into it.
Are you aware of being sent into daily life by Jesus? Are you on auto pilot or is Jesus the one directing your paths? Are you open to having to shift up a gear and move out into the fast lane in order to make good progress with God?
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
Spirit Lead Me
If You say “it’s wrong”, then I’ll say “no”
If You say “release”, I’m letting go
If You’re in it with me, I’ll begin
And when You say to jump, I’m diving in
If You say “be still”, then I will wait
If You say to trust, I will obey
I don’t wanna follow my own ways
I’m done chasing feelings
Spirit lead me
 © Michael Ketterer & Influence Music, 2018
Click here to listen to Spirit Lead Me
Rachel and Matt Wright are Inspire Missioners based in Chesterfield, GB. They are living by faith and between them working full time with Inspire and raising their 18 month old daughter, Zoe.Â