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Register a Group

Why should I register my band and/or house fellowship?

Being in an Inspire band and/or house fellowship is life-giving. We encourage people to register their bands and house fellowships as a sign of their commitment to one another, and to a growing movement of people who love Jesus and want to live their lives as missional disciples wherever they are.

Bands that register with Inspire receive a pack of resources to help them get started (if they do not already have them), access to additional resources on the website and connection to an Inspire Missioner for additional support and encouragement. For bands that are mentored by Missioners, or already have resources, we still recommend registering with Inspire so that you receive news and resources for your band, access to training, and support from an Inspire Missioner if you need it.

House fellowships that register will receive news from the Movement and has access to resources and training through the website. They are also connected to an Inspire Missioner if they want extra encouragement and support

If you have already registered your fellowship band or house fellowship you can use the forms below to tell us about changes to your contact details or email us directly: [email protected]

I am registering a Fellowship Band...

A fellowship band has a band co-ordinator and another two or three members. The band coordinator is the one who facilitates group meetings, by organizing dates, and acts as a point person within the Movement. If you are completing this form, you are probably the coordinator!

By registering the band each member will be:

  • a part of a growing community of people who are seeking to abide more deeply with God and live as everyday missional disciples
  • subscribed to our monthly email newsletter for encouragement and news from the Inspire Movement^
  • given an account on the Inspire Movement website to access additional resources ^
  • receive resources for getting started as a band which includes the Way Into book, portable reference card and bookmark and a welcome letter from the founders of the Inspire Movement*

The band coordinator will also:

  • agree to receive occasional email messages from the Movement on behalf of the band
  • be connected to an Inspire Missioner for further support if required
  • receive a copy of the Quick Guide to Fellowship band*

^ Coordinators and members can delete their accounts, and unsubscribe from our communication, at any time.

* PLEASE NOTE: Some bands start under the mentoring of a Missioner and/or already have band resources. In order to be good stewards of our resources you will be asked during the registration process if you want to receive resources for your band. Resources will be dispatched to upon confirmation that you require them. We ask for a donation of £20 / €25 /$30 (+postage) to help us cover the cost of the resources.

Please complete the form below, then press submit. You must include details for the coordinator, and at least two other members of the band. If you have any difficulties or questions, please contact us.

I am registering a House Fellowship...

A house fellowship has at least one host and at least one leader/facilitator.

  • Hosts are those who open their homes for the fellowship to gather.
  • Leaders/facilitators are those who take responsibility for coordinating the meetings and facilitating the spiritual disciplines of the group.

When you register your house fellowship, leaders/facilitators:

  • will be given accounts on the Inspire Movement website ^
  • are subscribed to our monthly email newsletter ^
  • are connected to an Inspire Missioner and/or regional Core Team for encouragement and support as needed
  • agree to receive occasional email messages from the Movement on behalf of the whole fellowship

^Leaders can delete their accounts, and unsubscribe from our communication, at any time.

Please complete the form below, then press submit. You must include details for at least one host and one leader. If you have any difficulties or questions, please contact us.