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Sharing the Fast

We count our blessings in Kentucky that we are still able to meet in groups of 10 people for fellowship in homes. One of our house fellowships decided to commit to fast together for the season of Lent. We decided to do our fast its two parts:

(1) Abstain from something for the 40 days of Lent – the children in our group set themselves, and us, the challenge of abstaining from non-essential technology from Sunday evening to Thursday dinner time.

(2) Fast from food from after supper on a Wednesday until we broke bread together at our fellowship meal at 6 p.m. on a Thursday.

When we gathered after the first week every was very hungry from a day of fasting but as we feasted on the meal before us, we shared stories of the challenge of fasting through the day. Some of the group admitted that they had forgotten and been eating before they remembered, some shared how hard they had found it keep going all day, but all said that they had been reminded to talk to Jesus more through out the day.

We also talked about how abstaining from non-essential technology had freed us to think differently about how we spend out time. One of the families found they spent more time playing games and talking to each other. Someone noted that not reading the news everyday had given them a clear sense of God’s hopefulness. And one of the children (aged 12) said that not watching youtube, or playing on his computer in the morning and after lessons, had helped him to get new inspiration for a story.

It is not always evident how fasting makes a difference, but we have been so encouraged by what the Lord has shown us already in our house fellowship as we have committed to fast and pray together and we look forward to more! 

Samantha and Phil Meadows are leading House Fellowships in Kentucky, USA