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Small Ideas for Big Blessings

Here are a few ideas people have shared with us for turning small gifts into big blessings. Imagine what God could do with a bigger gift!

  • Put a ‘pound in the pot’ every time you meet for fellowship band. Whether in person or on zoom put a gift in a pot/jar as an offering for the fellowship time. Encourage one another to keep on giving, and join together to send your gift to Inspire. Click below to read more
  • Join us for our day of fasting and prayer on the last Friday of each month and donate the money you would have spent on food to Inspire.
  • Start a ‘Generosity Jar’ and add your loose change. Every month count up the change and donate the amount to Inspire, or perhaps divide it to share the gift with other charities.
  • Make a donation when you shop on Ebay or sell your second-hand items for Inspire. Inspire is a registered Ebay charity in the UK and USA.
  • Use Amazon Smile for your Black Friday and Christmas shopping. If Inspire is your designated charity we will receive 5% of your purchase price, and it won’t cost you any more than you are paying for your goods. Find out how by clicking the button below.