One day the Lectio365 asked the question, “What does my soul space look like.” The scripture was the part of the Emmaus story when Jesus is urged to come in with them and stay. At first they haven’t recognized him, but in the breaking of the bread (fellowship) they do recognize him and he then disappears. This is what came to me as I reflected:
This is an interesting exercise for me. I have a couple of scenarios of what my soul space might be. My first thought is that it’s like my patio where I usually go to do my devotions in the morning.
There are 2 hummingbird feeders and a bird seed feeder nearby within my sight. Also 2 hairy little dogs! I can see Jesus walking around the corner of the house in the back yard coming toward me. He looks amazingly like Jonathan Roume (who plays Jesus in The Chosen)!

Jesus’ head is tilted forward and turned toward me – seeking me. When he sees me he straightens up and gives a little smile approaching me, and comes to sit on the other couch on the patio. We don’t speak, but I keep looking at him and back to my surroundings feeling content that he is there with me and that he is enjoying the surroundings with me. It feels comfortable.
I wonder what this means – or am I just wishful thinking. The phrase that keeps coming to my mind is Jesus saying, “I love you right where you are – I delight in being in your company.” I also hear “quit striving.” My eyes are stinging now with tears.
Jesus, thank you for loving me just the way I am.