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Still Sharing Hope

Two years ago, on 22 March, the first edition of the Inspire Beacon of Hope was sent. At the time it was thought that the global coronavirus pandemic would only last 3 months and we thought 12 weekly newsletters was a manageable thing to do. 115 editions later we are still going, not because the pandemic is still going (although it is) and not because we feel obliged to, but because we have never struggled to pull an edition together. There has always been a glimmer of light to share, and whilst ever the light still shines in the darkness, we want to share that with you all! 

So take a look at the the new look ‘Beacon’! We haven’t lost hope!! We have recognised the need for guidance and markers along the way in life, pandemic or no pandemic. This weekly newsletter will continue to offer reflections around our life as disciples, which will be focussed on the four core values of the Inspire Way of Life. It will still point you to scripture and help you to worship, but we are also adding a section about resources to help you and your fellow disciples in your walk together with Jesus.

We would love to hear from you. If you have a reflection to share, a song you can’t get out of your head or a scripture that has jumped off the page in new ways, why not share it with the Beacon Editor? And if you’re up for it we may well share your testimony with the other 300+ subscribers.