News from Denis – August 2024
Time Back In Texas
I was back in Texas at the start of the summer. It was refreshing to be around friends and family. I really enjoy my community in Wilmore, but it’s special to be around those people you’ve walked through life with over the past 6-7 years, those who know you well. And the house church my friends and I planted in Waco is still thriving! I get to hear the testimonies pretty regularly of how that gathering encourages my friends in their walk with God, and it stirs my faith too.
Preachin’ It Up!
I preached at a small church 20 minutes south of Wilmore about 2 months ago! It was a great experience; the Lord gave me inspiration for the sermon on John 11 about 2 days before it, and I loved getting to share with the congregation. Most of the 20-25 person congregation was north of 50 years old, so that was interesting for me. You can listen to the message on YouTube HERE.
La Escuela
I’ve been taking Greek and a class about 1 and 2 Samuel this summer. Because of the scholarship I got entering my final year in the biblical studies degree, I was able to take these two summer courses for free! I’ve loved Greek; I could see myself going pretty far in this language.
Ministry Highlights
- I met a couple of dudes at a clothing store on my 26th birthday. They were super friendly and interested in my life, and I had one of them (and his brother) over at my apartment to watch soccer a week later. I got to share parts of my testimony with them just in conversation and I hope those friendships keep developing!
- I had the privilege of babysitting for two of the families of my church a couple of weeks ago! It was a sweet experience. A moment that really impacted me was when I was putting one of the 2-year-olds to sleep; she cried for 40 minutes as I tried different tactics to get her to sleep; finally I picked her up and rocked her until she fell asleep on my chest. God was speaking to me about His love for His children as a father in that moment; it was a sweet time.
- I’ve been working on music with friends recently. I’ve gotten some great feedback about how some of the music we’re making is impacting people around us. I’m hoping to release some stuff by the end of the year!
Thank you to everyone who is already supporting me! Ya’ll are God’s provision, allowing me to walk in His plan for my life and I can’t express my gratitude enough. I felt like He told me to take this route of raising support to do ministry, and I trust that He will keep making the way for me.
If you want to talk and hear more about anything I mentioned, don’t hesitate to contact me, I’d love to talk! Contact me via email. If you would like to help support me financially while I’m at seminary and in this ministry role, you can check out my support page here.
Denis is an Inspire Missioner based in Wilmore, KY, USA. He is fundraising support for his living costs so that he can continue in ministry with Inspire whilst he is completing his seminary studies. Read more news and testimony from Denis HERE.