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The Harvest of Intimacy with Jesus

My ministry, since retiring from pastoring a church, has become one of discipling men at the local county jail. The men I am working with are primarily young in their faith; some I have actually baptized at the jail. (That is another exciting and a totally different experience.) As I meet with these guys, by jail requirements, one-on-one, then lead a weekly Bible study, I am finding it is driving me into a deeper intimacy with Jesus. In order for me to help these guys find that intimacy with Jesus my relationship with Him must grow as well. I cannot help someone become something I am not myself. I am also driven to dig much deeper into the scriptures if I am leading them in studying the scriptures. Working with the men has brought me to a whole new level of fulfilment in life. I have greater purpose now. I cannot thank and praise Jesus enough for what he is doing in me as I work as his instrument. What an awesome God we serve and love.

A few weeks ago I was able to plant the seeds of Jesus’s love and grace at the county jail. I hadn’t been back to the jail because of vacation travel. While I was gone several people watered and cultivated that seed. Today I was privileged to see the harvest of that seed as I baptized that 19 year old young man. He shared with me that since accepting Jesus as his Lord and saviour it is like Jesus is physically standing in front of him hugging him. This young man is already sharing the gospel with others in the jail. What an awesome God we serve!

Ed is an Inspire Missioner and prison chaplain.